Monday, July 1, 2024
Affiliate Programs

The OLSP System Review: A Game-Changer in Affiliate Marketing

If you’ve heard of the OLSP System and are wondering what it’s all about, you’re in the right place. This system, created by Wayne Crowe, promises to revolutionize your approach to affiliate marketing—allowing you to generate a sustainable online income without a hefty upfront investment.

Quick Overview:
Creator: Wayne Crowe
System: One Lead System Pixel (OLSP)
Goal: Empower users with practical tools and resources for affiliate marketing success
Initial Cost: Just $7

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Unfortunately, scammers are common in the dynamic world of affiliate marketing. Wayne Crowe aims to change that narrative. His OLSP System prioritizes ethical practices, skill development, and mutual support among its users.

What You’ll Learn

You’ll discover:
– How the OLSP System works
– The tools and training it offers
– Real-life testimonials and reviews

Ready to delve deeper? Let’s start by understanding why Wayne Crowe’s OLSP System could be the perfect solution to kickstart your affiliate marketing journey.

OLSP System Overview Infographic - OLSP system infographic process-5-steps-informal

What is the OLSP System?

The OLSP System stands for “One Lead System Pixel.” It is an all-in-one affiliate marketing platform designed by Wayne Crowe, a seasoned internet marketer known for his expertise in solo ads. The system aims to simplify and streamline the process of affiliate marketing, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced marketers.


At its core, the OLSP System is a membership site that equips users with the tools and resources needed to learn affiliate marketing and earn commissions. It integrates various elements such as training videos, a members dashboard, and a unique affiliate link strategy called the Mega Link.

Mission and Goals

Wayne Crowe’s mission with the OLSP System is to create a positive force in the affiliate marketing industry, which is often plagued by scams and unethical practices. The system prioritizes:

  • Ethical Practices: Ensuring all activities are transparent and honest.
  • Skill Development: Offering extensive training to help users improve their marketing skills.
  • Mutual Support: Fostering a community where members can support and learn from each other.

One Lead System Pixel

The “One Lead System Pixel” is more than just a catchy name. It reflects the system’s core principle: simplifying affiliate marketing by using a single, powerful link—the Mega Link. This link tracks all your leads and commissions, eliminating the need to manage multiple affiliate links.

Affiliate marketing diagram - OLSP system

Wayne Crowe emphasizes that the OLSP System is designed to be a one-stop-shop for all your affiliate marketing needs. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned marketer, this system aims to provide everything you need to succeed.

With this foundational understanding of what the OLSP System is, let’s move on to how it actually works and the components that make it a comprehensive solution for affiliate marketers.

How the OLSP System Works

The OLSP System is a comprehensive platform designed to make affiliate marketing straightforward and profitable. It consists of several key components that work together to help you earn commissions efficiently. Let’s break down these components and how they contribute to your success.

Mega Link

At the heart of the OLSP System is the Mega Link. This isn’t just any affiliate link; it’s a powerful tool that unlocks lifetime commissions. Here’s how it works:

  • Lifetime Commissions: Once someone clicks on your Mega Link and joins the system, they are “cookied” to you for life. This means you earn commissions on any future purchases they make, forever.
  • High-Ticket Offers: The Mega Link includes high-ticket offers, allowing you to earn significant commissions, sometimes up to $2500 per sale.
  • 2-Tier Commissions: You also earn commissions on sales made by people you’ve referred, adding another layer to your earning potential.
  • Recurring Commissions: Some products offer monthly subscriptions, providing a steady stream of income.

The Mega Link simplifies the process by consolidating multiple affiliate links into one, making it easier to manage and promote.

Members Dashboard

The Members Dashboard serves as your control center. It’s designed to be user-friendly and packed with features that help you track and optimize your affiliate marketing efforts.

  • Affiliate Statistics: Keep an eye on your earnings, clicks, and conversions in real-time.
  • Upcoming Events: Stay updated with upcoming training sessions, webinars, and special events.
  • OLSP Support: Access to customer support is just a click away, ensuring you get the help you need when you need it.

Training Videos

Training is a cornerstone of the OLSP System. The platform offers a vast library of training videos covering various aspects of affiliate marketing.

  • Mega Link Training: Learn how to effectively use your Mega Link to maximize earnings.
  • OLSP User Guide: A step-by-step guide to help you navigate the system and get started quickly.
  • Specialized Training: Courses like “How I Made 10 Million in Commissions” and “The 100x Commission Hack” provide advanced strategies for scaling your income.

Facebook Group

The OLSP System Facebook Group is a vibrant community with over 140,000 members. This group is a valuable resource for both new and experienced marketers.

  • Community Engagement: Ask questions, share your successes, and get advice from other members.
  • Support: Continuous help and motivation from a community that understands your challenges.
  • Networking: Connect with like-minded individuals who can offer support and collaboration opportunities.

By leveraging these components, the OLSP System aims to provide a seamless and effective experience for affiliate marketers. Next, we’ll explore the various products and training sessions available within the system.

OLSP System Products and Training

Mega Builder Software

The OLSP System offers a range of products and training sessions designed to help you succeed in affiliate marketing. These include both free and paid options, catering to various skill levels and needs.

Free Products

  1. Mega Link Training: This training covers the basics of using the Mega Link, an essential tool for earning lifetime commissions on various offers.
  2. OLSP User Guide: A comprehensive guide to help you navigate the OLSP System, understand its features, and maximize your earnings.

Paid Products

  1. Mega Builder Software: This all-in-one platform includes a funnel builder, website builder, and email autoresponder. It allows you to create high-converting sales funnels, professional websites, and manage your email campaigns seamlessly.
  2. Funnel Builder: Design and optimize sales funnels to convert leads into customers.
  3. Website Builder: Create professional websites with ease, using drag-and-drop functionality.
  4. Email Autoresponder: Automate your email marketing campaigns to nurture leads and increase conversions.

Training Sessions

  1. “How I Made 10 Million in Commissions” Training: Learn from Wayne Crowe’s experiences and strategies that led to his success.
  2. “The 100x Commission Hack” Training: Advanced techniques to exponentially grow your commissions.
  3. Facebook 101: A beginner-friendly guide to leveraging Facebook for traffic and conversions.

These products and training sessions are designed to provide you with the tools and knowledge needed to excel in affiliate marketing. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to scale your business, the OLSP System has something for everyone.

OLSP System Facebook Group

The OLSP System Facebook Group is a vibrant community with over 140,000 members. This private group is a cornerstone of the OLSP experience, offering a space for members to connect, share, and grow together.

Community and Engagement

The group is a melting pot of members ranging from complete beginners to seasoned marketers. This diversity creates a rich environment where everyone can learn and contribute. Members actively engage by:

  • Asking Questions: No question is too small. Whether you’re stuck on a technical issue or need strategy advice, the community is there to help.
  • Sharing Achievements: Celebrating wins, big or small, is a common practice. This not only motivates the individual but also inspires others.
  • Providing Feedback: Constructive feedback is readily available, helping you improve and refine your strategies.

Support and Motivation

One of the standout features of the OLSP System Facebook Group is the continuous support. Members are quick to respond to queries, often within minutes. This immediate feedback loop ensures that you never feel stuck or alone in your journey.

“The members or the communities are so supportive and answer you quickly when you ask them any challenges you are facing,” says Edward Mckinney, a satisfied member.

The group also offers regular live sessions and webinars hosted by Wayne Crowe and other experts. These sessions cover a wide range of topics, from basic strategies to advanced techniques, ensuring that you always have fresh, actionable insights.

140,000 Members Strong

With over 140,000 members, the OLSP System Facebook Group is one of the largest and most active communities in the affiliate marketing space. This vast membership base means you have access to a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Many members have shared their success stories, showcasing how they went from zero to earning significant commissions. For instance, Joy Healey mentioned, “Some newbies go on to earn hundreds and thousands of dollars – proof shown inside the group.”

The large community also means that you have a network to rely on for various skills you might need, such as copywriting, video making, and graphic design.

Final Thoughts

The OLSP System Facebook Group is more than just a support forum; it’s a dynamic community that fosters growth, learning, and success. Whether you’re looking for quick answers, in-depth discussions, or just some motivation, this group has it all.

Next, let’s dive into the legitimacy of the OLSP System and see what real users have to say about their experiences.

Is the OLSP System Legit?

When it comes to online income systems, legitimacy is crucial. Let’s dive into why the OLSP System stands out as a trusted and authentic platform.


Many users have shared their positive experiences with the OLSP System. For instance, Evelyn Allen, who has 163 followers, mentions, “This is one of the best traffic sources out there. I have used this source 5 times and the outcome is always the same. Quality 100% premium traffic.” Such testimonials highlight the consistent results users achieve.

Mats Jacobson, a VIP member for nearly a year, says, “All the massive training and support from the community. I have never seen it in any other program of this caliber.” This underscores the comprehensive support system within OLSP.

Payment Proofs

One of the most convincing aspects of the OLSP System is the payment proofs shared by its users. David Kilburn mentions that even during a period of inactivity, he continued to earn commissions from the initial work he had done. This shows that the system’s structure allows for passive income, a key indicator of a legitimate affiliate program.

Lance Stears shares his experience, stating, “I started making passive income the same day by just sharing my link. At OLSP there are 7 different ways to earn.” His quick success and multiple earning avenues further validate the system’s effectiveness.

Success Stories

Numerous success stories have emerged from the OLSP community. Derek Yeung highlights how the system helped him make his first-ever commission online. He states, “This system is so easy to follow and it will teach you all the skillset that you need to become successful online.”

Timmy Van Den Berg describes the OLSP System as a “game-changer” for his online business, emphasizing its intuitive interface and powerful tools that have significantly boosted his lead generation and sales automation efforts.


The OLSP System’s authenticity is further solidified by its inclusive and active Facebook Group, which boasts over 140,000 members. This community provides continuous help, support, and motivation, making it a reliable resource for both beginners and experienced marketers.

Wayne Crowe, the developer and founder, has infused over twenty years of experience into this platform. His dedication and expertise are evident in the system’s design and functionality, offering a time-saving and cost-effective solution for aspiring marketers.

In conclusion, the OLSP System has proven legitimacy through numerous testimonials, payment proofs, and success stories. Its authenticity is further reinforced by an active and supportive community, making it a reliable and trustworthy pathway to online income.

Next, let’s address some frequently asked questions about the OLSP System to help you understand it even better.

Frequently Asked Questions about the OLSP System

What is the cost to join the OLSP System?

The OLSP System is designed to be accessible to everyone. You can start for just $7. This low entry cost makes it affordable for beginners who want to dip their toes into affiliate marketing without a big financial commitment.

How do I earn commissions with the OLSP System?

Earning commissions with the OLSP System is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

  1. Sign Up: Join the OLSP System and get access to your unique Mega Link.
  2. Share Your Mega Link: Promote your Mega Link on social media, blogs, or any platform where you can reach potential customers.
  3. Let OLSP Do the Work: The OLSP team handles the sales process for you. They follow up with your leads and close the sales.
  4. Earn Commissions: You earn commissions on various levels, from low-ticket items to high-ticket offers. There are also 2-tier commissions and monthly recurring commissions.

Is the OLSP System suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! The OLSP System is incredibly beginner-friendly. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Comprehensive Training: The system offers detailed training videos that guide you through every step.
  • Community Support: With over 140,000 members in the OLSP Facebook Group, you can get answers to your questions quickly.
  • Simple Tasks: Your main job is to share your Mega Link. The OLSP team takes care of the sales and follow-ups.
  • No Pressure: You can go at your own pace. There’s no rush or pressure to make sales immediately.

The OLSP System is designed to help you earn while you learn, making it perfect for anyone new to affiliate marketing.


The OLSP System is a reliable and legitimate pathway to online income through affiliate marketing. It stands out due to its affordability, extensive training, and diverse commission opportunities.

At Affiliate Retirement, we believe in providing tools and resources that help you succeed in affiliate marketing. The OLSP System aligns perfectly with our mission by offering:

  • Affordable Entry: At just $7 to join, the OLSP System is accessible to anyone looking to start their affiliate marketing journey without breaking the bank.
  • Extensive Training: The platform offers a vast library of training videos and resources. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced marketer, there’s always something new to learn.
  • Diverse Commission Opportunities: From low to high-ticket offers, 2-tier commissions, and recurring monthly commissions, the OLSP System provides multiple ways to earn.
  • Community Support: The active Facebook group with over 140,000 members is a testament to the system’s supportive community. Here, you can ask questions, share achievements, and receive continuous help and motivation.

Wayne Crowe’s expertise and the system’s proven track record make the OLSP System a trustworthy choice for anyone looking to earn online.

Ready to transform your financial landscape? Join the OLSP System today and unlock your journey to affiliate success with Affiliate Retirement.

Best of luck in your marketing journey!