Monday, July 1, 2024
Affiliate Marketing

7 Amazing Ways to Run Best Social Media Contest Ideas for Affiliate Marketers

Why Social Media Contests Matter for Affiliate Marketers

If you’re searching for the Best Social Media Contest Ideas for Affiliate Marketers, you’ve come to the right place. Here are the top suggestions:

  • Photo Contests
  • Video Contests
  • Sweepstakes
  • Referral Contests
  • Caption Contests
  • Tag-a-Friend Contests
  • Follow-to-Win Contests

Let’s dive in.

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Social media contests have become an invaluable tool for affiliate marketers. They offer an incredible chance to engage with your audience, boost brand visibility, and generate quality leads—all without a hefty budget.

Imagine having your followers actively promote your affiliate products, creating buzz, and driving traffic to your offers. Whether you’re asking participants to share photos, videos, or simply tag a friend, these contests make your audience feel involved and appreciated. This engagement not only amplifies your reach but also builds trust and loyalty among potential customers.

Plus, the benefits are undeniable:

  • Increased Engagement: Contests encourage users to interact with your content, resulting in higher engagement rates.
  • Brand Awareness: When followers share your contest, they introduce your brand to their networks, expanding your audience.
  • Lead Generation: Collecting participants’ information during contests helps grow your email list and identify potential leads.

Running effective social media contests is a cost-effective strategy that can significantly propel your affiliate marketing success.

Benefits of Running Social Media Contests for Affiliate Marketers - Best Social Media Contest Ideas for Affiliate Marketers infographic infographic-line-5-steps

1. Photo Contests

Photo contests are a powerful way to engage your audience, boost brand awareness, and gather user-generated content (UGC). They also provide an excellent opportunity to collaborate with influencers and tap into their follower base.

How to Run a Photo Contest

Running a photo contest involves several key steps:

  1. Set Clear Guidelines: Define the theme of the contest. Make sure it aligns with your brand. Clearly outline the submission process, eligibility criteria, and deadlines.

  2. Encourage Participation: Ask participants to submit photos via a specific hashtag on social media. This makes it easy to track entries and increases visibility.

  3. Voting and Judging: Decide how the winner will be chosen. You can opt for public voting, a panel of judges, or a combination of both. Public voting can drive more engagement, while a judging panel ensures quality.

  4. Promote the Contest: Use your social media channels, email lists, and influencer partnerships to spread the word. The more people know about your contest, the more entries you’ll receive.

  5. Announce the Winner: Make the announcement exciting. Share the winning photo on your social media platforms and thank all participants for their entries.

Examples of Successful Photo Contests

Gansetts Beer Valentine’s Day Photo Contest

Gansetts Beer ran a successful photo contest leading up to Valentine’s Day. Fans were asked to share a photo of what Valentine’s meant to them on social media, using the brand’s hashtag. The winner received a dozen roses to give to a loved one.

Valentine's Day Photo Contest - Best Social Media Contest Ideas for Affiliate Marketers

Why It Worked: The contest was simple to enter and had a relatable theme. The use of a branded hashtag made it easy to track entries and boosted the brand’s visibility on social media.

Pro Tip: Partner with influencers to promote your contest. Influencers can reach a larger audience and encourage more people to participate.

Running a photo contest is an effective way to engage your audience and create a buzz around your brand. The user-generated content can also be repurposed for future marketing campaigns, adding long-term value.

Next, we’ll explore video contests and how they can supercharge your affiliate marketing efforts.

2. Video Contests

Video contests are a powerful way to boost engagement, grow your YouTube subscribers, and collect user-generated content that resonates with your audience. Let’s dive into how you can run a successful video contest and look at some real-world examples.

How to Run a Video Contest

Submission Guidelines

Start by clearly outlining the contest rules. This includes the theme, video length, format specifications, and the deadline for entries. For example, you might ask participants to create a 30-second video showcasing how they use your product.

Bonus Entries

Encourage more participation by offering bonus entries. You can ask users to share their videos on social media, tag friends, or subscribe to your YouTube channel for extra chances to win. This not only increases entries but also boosts your reach.


Promote the contest on all your social media platforms. Use hashtags, partner with influencers, and create eye-catching visuals to spread the word. The more people know about your contest, the more entries you’re likely to receive.

Examples of Successful Video Contests

Trident’s Chew Tunes

Trident’s Chew Tunes contest is a great example of how video contests can drive engagement. They asked participants to create a music video featuring their gum. The contest was widely shared on social media, generating tons of user-generated content and boosting their brand visibility.

Pro Tip: Offer a compelling prize that aligns with your audience’s interests. This will motivate more people to participate and create high-quality videos.

Running a video contest not only helps you engage with your audience but also provides a treasure trove of user-generated content. This content can be used in future marketing campaigns, making it a win-win for everyone involved.

Next, let’s explore sweepstakes and how they can help you generate leads and grow your email list.

3. Sweepstakes

Sweepstakes are a fantastic way to generate leads and grow your email list. They are simple to enter and can attract a large number of participants, making them a valuable tool for affiliate marketers.

How to Run a Sweepstakes

1. Set Clear Objectives
Before launching your sweepstakes, define your goals. Are you aiming to grow your email list, increase social media followers, or promote a new product? Knowing your objectives will help shape the sweepstakes structure.

2. Create an Entry Form
Design a user-friendly entry form. Ask for essential details like name and email address. You can also include optional fields for additional information, but keep it simple to encourage more entries.

3. Build a Landing Page
Host your entry form on a dedicated landing page. This page should be visually appealing and clearly state the prize, entry rules, and deadline. Use compelling images and concise text to draw attention.

4. Promote Your Sweepstakes
Share your sweepstakes across all your social media channels. You can also use email marketing to notify your existing subscribers. Consider partnering with influencers to reach a broader audience.

5. Collect Contact Details
Ensure your entry form collects all necessary contact details. This information is crucial for lead generation and future marketing efforts.

6. Choose a Winner
Select the winner randomly to keep the process fair. Announce the winner on your social media platforms and thank all participants. This transparency builds trust and encourages participation in future contests.

Examples of Successful Sweepstakes

Universal Studios Sweepstakes
Universal Studios ran an exciting sweepstakes offering a trip to Hollywood or Orlando. Participants simply needed to enter their contact details on the giveaway landing page. This straightforward entry method made participation easy and attracted a large number of entrants. The vibrant and fun promotion helped Universal Studios generate leads and grow their email list significantly.

Sweepstakes are not only easy to enter but also highly effective in generating leads and expanding your email list. By following these steps, you can create a successful sweepstakes that engages your audience and boosts your marketing efforts.

Next, let’s dive into referral contests and how they can help you expand your business reach through social sharing.

4. Referral Contests

Referral contests are a powerful way to expand your business reach. They leverage the power of social sharing to help you tap into new audiences.

How to Run a Referral Contest

1. Create a Compelling Offer

Start by creating an offer that your audience can’t resist. This could be a discount, a free product, or an exclusive service. Make sure it’s something valuable to your target audience.

2. Set Clear Sharing Requirements

Outline what participants need to do to enter. Typically, this involves sharing a referral link on their social media channels. Provide each participant with a unique referral link to track who referred whom.

3. Encourage Bonus Entries

To increase engagement, offer bonus entries for additional actions. For example, participants can get extra entries if they follow your social media channels or tag friends in your posts.

4. Promote on Social Media Channels

Use all your social media channels to promote the contest. Create eye-catching posts and stories that explain the contest rules and prizes. Encourage participants to share their referral links widely.

5. Track and Announce Winners

Use tools to track referrals and ensure fair play. Announce the winners on your social media channels to build excitement and encourage future participation.

Examples of Successful Referral Contests

Pizza Express Refer-a-Friend Program

Pizza Express ran a successful refer-a-friend promotion. They created a program where customers could refer friends using unique links. Each successful referral earned the referrer a chance to win a prize. This contest not only increased their customer base but also strengthened their community.

Benefits of a Refer-a-Friend Contest

  • Increased Reach: By leveraging existing customers, you can reach a wider audience.
  • Trusted Recommendations: Referrals from friends are seen as more trustworthy.
  • Engagement: Encourages existing customers to engage with your brand.

Referral contests are a win-win. They help you reach new audiences while rewarding your loyal customers for their support.

Next, let’s explore how to run a caption contest and see some successful examples.

5. Caption Contests

Caption contests are a fantastic way to boost engagement and creativity among your audience. They are simple to run and can generate a lot of buzz for your brand. Let’s dive into how to run a successful caption contest and look at some examples.

How to Run a Caption Contest

1. Image Selection
Choose an image that aligns with your brand and is likely to spark creativity. The image should be clear, interesting, and relevant to your audience.

2. Entry Rules
Clearly outline the rules for entering the contest. Specify how participants should submit their captions—whether by commenting on a social media post, using a specific hashtag, or filling out a form.

3. Winner Selection
Decide how the winner will be chosen. You can either select the best caption yourself, have a judging panel, or let your audience vote. Make sure to communicate the criteria for winning.

Examples of Successful Caption Contests

Sebastian & Co on Instagram

Sebastian & Co, a popular deli, ran a successful caption contest on Instagram. They posted a humorous photo of a giant sandwich and asked followers to come up with the funniest caption.

The rules were simple:
1. Follow their Instagram account.
2. Comment with a caption.
3. Tag a friend.

The winner received a free meal for two, which encouraged participants to get creative and engage with the brand. This contest not only increased their follower count but also boosted engagement significantly.

Why It Worked:

  • Engagement: The contest encouraged followers to interact with the post and the brand.
  • Creativity: Participants enjoyed coming up with funny captions, making the contest fun and memorable.
  • Easy Participation: The entry process was straightforward, making it accessible to many users.

Caption contests are an excellent way to engage your audience and promote creativity. They are easy to set up and can provide valuable user-generated content for your brand.

Next, let’s explore how to run a tag-a-friend contest and see some successful examples.

6. Tag-a-Friend Contests

Tag-a-Friend contests are a fantastic way to grow your audience, increase social sharing, and boost engagement. They are simple to run and can create a chain reaction of new followers.

How to Run a Tag-a-Friend Contest

Entry Rules:
1. Create a Post: Start by creating a compelling social media post. Include a captivating image or video to catch attention.
2. Set the Rules: Clearly state that participants need to tag one or more friends in the comments to enter the contest.
3. Bonus Entries: Offer additional entries for each extra friend tagged. This encourages participants to tag more people, increasing your reach.
4. Follow Requirements: Ask participants to follow your account to be eligible for the contest. This helps in growing your follower base.

Follower Growth:
Incentives: Choose a prize that is attractive to your target audience. This will motivate them to participate and follow your account.
Engagement: Keep the contest duration short to create urgency. A 24-hour or 48-hour window works well.

Examples of Successful Tag-a-Friend Contests

Broke Green Mums on Instagram:
Broke Green Mums, a sustainable living brand, ran a successful Tag-a-Friend contest on Instagram. Here’s what made it work:

  • Clear Instructions: The post clearly stated the rules: tag two friends and follow the account to enter.
  • Attractive Prize: They offered a bundle of eco-friendly products, which resonated with their audience.
  • Bonus Entries: Participants could earn additional entries by tagging more friends, which led to a viral effect.

This contest not only increased their follower count but also engaged their existing audience. The tagged friends often followed the account and participated in future contests, creating a loyal community.

Tag-a-Friend contests are a powerful tool for affiliate marketers looking to expand their reach and engage their audience. Next, we’ll dive into Follow-to-Win contests and how they can further boost your social media presence.

7. Follow-to-Win Contests

Follow-to-Win contests are an excellent way to boost your follower count, increase engagement, and keep things simple for your audience. These contests require participants to follow your social media account for a chance to win a prize.

How to Run a Follow-to-Win Contest

1. Set Clear Entry Rules:
– Clearly state that participants need to follow your account to enter.
– Specify any additional actions, like liking the post or sharing it on their stories, to boost engagement further.

2. Define Follower Goals:
– Set a target for the number of new followers you aim to gain. This keeps you focused and helps measure the contest’s success.

3. Choose a Relevant Prize:
– Select a prize that resonates with your audience. It could be a product, a gift card, or something exclusive.

4. Promote the Contest:
– Use all your social media channels to announce and promote the contest. You can also collaborate with influencers to reach a broader audience.

5. Select the Winner:
– Use a random selection tool to pick the winner from your new followers. This ensures fairness and transparency.

Examples of Successful Follow-to-Win Contests

Costello’s Bakery, Instagram:
Objective: Grow their Instagram followers and engage their audience.
Prize: A weekly giveaway of one of their cupcake boxes.
Entry Rules: Participants had to follow their Instagram profile and leave a comment on the contest post.
Outcome: This simple yet effective contest garnered tons of likes and engagement while significantly increasing their follower count.

Costello’s Bakery runs this contest every Wednesday, creating anticipation and excitement among their followers. The regularity of the contest keeps their audience engaged and loyal, as they look forward to the weekly giveaway.

Follow-to-Win contests are a straightforward yet powerful tool for affiliate marketers. They not only help grow your follower base but also foster a community of engaged and loyal followers.

Next, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about the best social media contest ideas for affiliate marketers.

Frequently Asked Questions about Best Social Media Contest Ideas for Affiliate Marketers

What are the benefits of running social media contests for affiliate marketers?

Running social media contests can significantly boost engagement. When users participate in a contest, they are more likely to comment, like, and share your posts. This increased activity can make your content more visible on social media platforms.

Brand awareness is another major benefit. Contests often require participants to share posts or use specific hashtags, spreading your brand to a wider audience. For instance, Universal Studios’ sweepstakes for a Hollywood trip gained massive attention by encouraging users to share their contact details on a giveaway landing page.

Lastly, contests are excellent for lead generation. By asking participants to fill out a form with their contact information, you can build a valuable email list. This list can be used for future marketing campaigns, making it easier to convert leads into customers.

How do I choose the right social media contest for my audience?

Choosing the right contest starts with understanding your audience demographics. Know who your followers are—age, interests, and social media habits. This information will help you design a contest that resonates with them.

Next, consider the platform guidelines. Each social media platform has its own set of rules for contests. Make sure to read and follow these guidelines to avoid any issues. For example, Instagram has specific rules about tagging and sharing posts.

Your contest goals should also guide your choice. Are you looking to increase followers, generate leads, or boost engagement? For instance, if your goal is to grow your email list, a sweepstakes contest with an entry form might be the best option.

What tools can help manage social media contests?

Managing a social media contest can be time-consuming, but the right tools can simplify the process. RafflePress is a top choice for WordPress users. It offers features like social media competition rules enforcement, blocking fake entries, and even picking the winner.

For embedding social media feeds on your website, Smash Balloon is highly recommended. It allows you to showcase content from platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and Twitter, making it easier to promote your contest.

Other useful giveaway tools include Social Champ for tracking analytics and ensuring your contest reaches its full potential. These tools can help you maintain a consistent posting schedule and measure growth metrics effectively.

By using these tools, you can focus more on creating engaging contests and less on the administrative tasks, ensuring a smoother and more successful campaign.


Running social media contests can be a game-changer for affiliate marketers. Whether it’s a photo contest, video contest, or a simple follow-to-win contest, each type offers unique benefits like increased engagement, brand awareness, and lead generation.

By understanding your audience and choosing the right contest type, you can create a fun and engaging experience that not only boosts your social media presence but also brings in valuable leads. Remember to use tools like RafflePress and Social Champ to streamline the process and track your success.

At Affiliate Retirement, we specialize in helping you grow your affiliate business. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to optimize your strategy, we have the resources and expert advice you need.

Ready to take your affiliate marketing to the next level? Visit Affiliate Retirement today and start building genuine relationships that will keep your audience coming back for more.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance. We’re here to help you succeed.