Monday, July 1, 2024
Affiliate Marketing

Buyer’s Guide: Best Pinterest Group Boards for Affiliate Marketing 2024

Unlocking the Power of Pinterest Group Boards for Affiliate Marketing in 2024

If you’re looking for the best Pinterest group boards for affiliate marketing in 2024, you’re in the right place. Here are our top picks:

Freedom Ascension How ANYONE Can Launch The #1 Beginner Friendly Fully Automated Online Business From Home
  1. Our Favorite Beauty Tips and Tutorials
  2. Infopreneur Resources // Creative Entrepreneurs
  3. Small Biz & Startup Tips
  4. Easy Recipes
  5. Travel Tips and Advice

Pinterest is a powerhouse for affiliate marketing, and the best Pinterest group boards can drive serious traffic to your affiliate links. Pinterest isn’t just another social media platform; it’s a visual search engine used by millions for inspiration, shopping, and decision-making.

For those seeking a low-cost way to generate passive income, Pinterest offers a golden opportunity. By leveraging its visual appeal and organized group boards, you can significantly enhance your traffic strategy and pin your way to financial freedom with Affiliate Retirement. Let’s dive deeper into how Pinterest group boards can boost your affiliate marketing efforts and help you achieve your goals.

Best Pinterest Group Boards for Affiliate Marketing Infographic - Best Pinterest Group Boards for Affiliate Marketing infographic infographic-line-5-steps

What Are Pinterest Group Boards?

Pinterest group boards are collaborative boards that allow multiple contributors to pin content. They look like regular boards, but they include a mix of different users, each adding their unique pins to the board. This collaborative nature makes them a powerful tool for sharing ideas and engaging with a broader audience.

Multiple Contributors

Unlike solo boards, group boards can have multiple contributors. This means more diverse content and a better chance of attracting a varied audience. For instance, if you join a group board focused on “Affiliate Marketing Tips,” you’ll find pins from different experts in the field, each sharing their strategies and insights. This variety keeps the board fresh and engaging.

Organize Pins

As a contributor, you can organize your pins within the group board. This involves adding your pins to relevant sections and ensuring they are easy to find. For example, if you’re pinning a blog post about “Best Affiliate Programs,” you can place it in a section specifically dedicated to affiliate marketing strategies. This organization helps users quickly find the content they’re interested in, improving their overall experience.

Comment and React

Pinterest group boards also allow you to comment and react to pins. You can leave comments to start discussions or ask questions, and you can react with emojis like claps, hearts, or thumbs down. This interactive feature encourages engagement and can lead to valuable conversations. For example, if someone pins a new marketing tactic, you can comment with your thoughts or ask for more details, fostering a community of learning and sharing.

Pinterest Group Board Example - Best Pinterest Group Boards for Affiliate Marketing

Why It Matters

The collaborative and interactive nature of Pinterest group boards makes them an excellent tool for driving traffic and boosting engagement. By participating actively, you can tap into a wider audience and bring more visitors to your website. This is particularly beneficial for affiliate marketers looking to expand their reach and increase their income.

Next, we’ll explore why Pinterest group boards are still worth your time, despite changes in Pinterest’s algorithm.

Why Are Pinterest Group Boards Useful?

Pinterest group boards are incredibly valuable for several reasons:

Engage a Wider Audience

Group boards are a fantastic way to engage with a broader audience. Unlike individual boards, group boards have multiple contributors, which means more diverse content. This variety can attract a wide range of followers who are interested in different aspects of your niche.

Drive Targeted Traffic

By joining niche-specific group boards, you can drive highly targeted traffic to your website. According to Sarah Anne from Good Life Marketing, “Group boards allow you to reach an untapped audience that is already interested in your niche.” This means the people who see your Pins are more likely to click through to your website, increasing your chances of conversions.

Boost Website Traffic

The primary goal of many affiliate marketers is to increase website traffic, and Pinterest group boards can help you achieve this. When you pin to a group board, your content is exposed to all the board’s followers. This can lead to a significant increase in the number of visitors to your site, especially if the board has a large following.

Collaborative Nature

The collaborative nature of group boards provides an excellent opportunity for networking and learning. You can interact with other contributors, share ideas, and even collaborate on projects. This not only helps in improving your Pinterest strategy but also in building relationships within your niche.

Real-World Example

For instance, the Affiliate Marketing Group Board on Pinterest has over 2,600 Pins and is updated regularly. Contributors share tips on affiliate marketing strategies, which helps drive traffic to their respective websites. This board alone has helped many solopreneurs grow their businesses by leveraging the power of collaboration.

Practical Tips

  • Pin Consistently: Regularly pinning to group boards can keep your content in front of the board’s followers.
  • Use Eye-Catching Visuals: Bright colors and clear images can make your Pins stand out.
  • Optimize for SEO: Include relevant keywords in your Pin descriptions to improve visibility.

Next, we’ll discuss whether you should join existing Pinterest group boards or create your own.

Are Pinterest Group Boards Worth It?

Back in 2018, Pinterest announced a major update that changed how Pins are distributed. Pins from group boards would only appear in a follower’s feed if they saved it to one of their own boards. This left many marketers wondering if group boards were still worth their time.

Spoiler alert: They are!

Why They Still Matter

Marketing Strategy: Pinterest group boards remain a valuable part of any marketing strategy. They allow you to reach a wider audience without much extra effort. Think of them as a collaborative space where you can share your content and also discover valuable insights from others.

Untapped Audience: Group boards give you access to an untapped audience. By pinning to a group board, your Pins can be seen by followers of that board who might not follow you yet. This is a fantastic way to drive targeted traffic back to your website.

Collaborative Nature: The collaborative nature of these boards means you can engage with other contributors. This can lead to partnerships, guest posts, and other collaborative opportunities that can further boost your traffic and engagement.

The 2018 Update

Yes, the 2018 update did change things. But it didn’t make group boards obsolete. Instead, it emphasized the importance of quality over quantity. Now, it’s crucial to be strategic about the boards you join.

What To Do Now

  • Evaluate Boards: Use basic math to evaluate the performance of group boards. Look at the number of followers and the level of engagement. A board with fewer followers but high engagement can be more valuable than a large, inactive one.

  • Pin Consistently: Regularly pin to group boards to keep your content in front of the board’s followers. Consistency is key to maintaining visibility.

  • Share Quality Content: High-quality, relevant Pins are more likely to be saved and shared, increasing your chances of appearing in more feeds.

Real-World Example

Sarah Anne from Good Life Marketing says, “Creating your group board requires a bit of effort and upkeep to gain traction. For it to be productive, you’re going to need contributors who consistently pin to the board.” This highlights the importance of being active and strategic in your approach.

In summary, Pinterest group boards are far from dead. They are a valuable tool in your overall traffic strategy, especially when used wisely.

Next, we’ll discuss whether you should join existing Pinterest group boards or create your own.

Should You Join Pinterest Group Boards or Create Them on Your Own?

When it comes to Pinterest group boards, the first question to ask yourself is whether to join existing boards or create your own. Each option has its pros and cons, and your choice will depend on your specific situation and goals.

Join Existing Boards

Why Join Existing Boards?

For those new to Pinterest marketing, joining existing group boards is often the best route. This is because these boards already have an established audience and contributors, which means you can start benefiting from their reach almost immediately.

Sarah Anne from Good Life Marketing says, “Creating your group board requires a bit of effort and upkeep to gain traction. For it to be productive, you’re going to need contributors who consistently pin to the board.”

Advantages of Joining Existing Boards:

  • Low Effort: You don’t need to manage the board, making it a low-effort strategy.
  • Established Audience: You can tap into an already engaged audience.
  • Quick Start: You can start pinning and driving traffic to your site almost immediately.

How to Find and Join Existing Boards:

  1. Search Keywords: Type a keyword relevant to your niche in the Pinterest search bar.
  2. Look for Multiple Profile Images: This indicates it’s a group board.
  3. Request to Join: Follow the board owner’s instructions, which might include following their profile or sending a message.

Create New Boards

Why Create Your Own Board?

Creating your own group board can be beneficial, especially if you notice a gap in your niche. For example, if there are no group boards focused on “vintage minimalist clothing in the 40s era,” you might want to create one to fill that gap.

Advantages of Creating Your Own Board:

  • Niche Control: You have full control over the board’s niche and rules.
  • Brand Authority: Establish yourself as an authority in your niche.
  • Custom Rules: Set guidelines that align with your brand strategy.

Challenges of Creating Your Own Board:

  • Time-Consuming: Requires significant time to manage and promote.
  • Need for Contributors: You will need to attract and maintain active contributors.

Steps to Create a Group Board:

  1. Create Your Board: Name your board and click the + symbol to add contributors.
  2. Invite Contributors: Use email or Pinterest network to invite people.
  3. Promote Your Board: Share the link and invite relevant contributors to join.

Weighing Your Options

Before deciding, weigh the pros and cons. If you’re a time-strapped solopreneur, joining existing boards might be more practical. However, if you see a niche gap and have the resources, creating your own board could offer long-term benefits.

In Summary:

  • Join Existing Boards: Ideal for quick results and low effort.
  • Create Your Own Board: Best for niche control and long-term strategy but requires more time and effort.

Next, we’ll explore how to find the best Pinterest group boards to join.

How to Find Pinterest Group Boards

Finding the best Pinterest group boards for affiliate marketing can seem daunting, but it’s easier than you think. Here are some simple strategies to get you started:

Use the Search Bar

Start with the basics. Use Pinterest’s search bar to look for group boards in your niche. Type in broad keywords related to your topic. For example, if you’re into “affiliate marketing,” type that into the search bar.

Keyword Search

Refine your search with specific keywords. If you focus on “health and wellness affiliate marketing,” use those exact words. This narrows down the results and makes it easier to find relevant boards.

Look for Multiple Profile Images

When scrolling through search results, look for boards with multiple profile images. These icons indicate group boards. Click on these boards to see if they align with your interests and goals.

Broad Keywords

Sometimes, using broad keywords like “marketing” or “blogging” can yield surprising results. These keywords can help you discover group boards you might not have thought to search for.


Leverage Pinterest’s autosuggest feature. As you type in the search bar, Pinterest will suggest related terms. These suggestions can lead you to popular group boards that you might not find otherwise.

By using these simple strategies, you’ll quickly compile a list of potential group boards. Next, we’ll dive into specific tools and methods to refine your search further.

4 Easy Strategies to Find Group Boards on Pinterest

Finding the best Pinterest group boards for affiliate marketing can be a game-changer. Here are four easy strategies to discover high-quality group boards that align with your niche.

1. Peek at Competitors and Influencers

What works for your competitors and influencers can work for you too.

Search for their names on Pinterest and check out the group boards they’re part of. For example, if you’re in the interior design niche, look at micro-influencers like Arianne Bellizaire and Jenna Sue.

Steps to Follow:
1. Type their names in the Pinterest search bar.
2. Go to their profile and click on Saved.
3. Look for boards with multiple profile icons—these are group boards.

Add any interesting boards to your spreadsheet.


Scrolling through Pinterest can be tedious, but PINGROUPIE makes it easier.

PINGROUPIE is a directory that shows essential information about group boards, such as recent activity and the number of followers.

1. Type your keyword into the search engine.
2. Click Request To Join Button to filter boards that accept contributors.
3. Refine your search criteria as needed.

Once you find a board that interests you, click View this Board on Pinterest. Add it to your spreadsheet.

3. Refer to Pinterest Business Account

Pinterest Analytics is a treasure trove of audience insights.

Lucas Robinson, CMO of Crediful, suggests checking out the audience affinities section. This will show you a list of business accounts your audience follows. Odds are, you’ll find some interesting group boards here.

Steps to Follow:
1. Go to your Pinterest Analytics.
2. Navigate to the Audience Insights section.
3. Look at the business accounts your audience follows and note any group boards.

4. Use Blog Posts

Sometimes, others have already done the hard work for you.

Search for blog posts that list out group boards in your niche. For example, type “Pinterest group boards for [your niche]” into Google, and you’ll find posts that list boards you should join.

Steps to Follow:
1. Search for blog posts related to your niche.
2. Go through the lists and note down any group boards that catch your eye.
3. Add these to your spreadsheet.

By now, you should have a solid list of Pinterest group boards to consider. Next, we’ll learn how to join these boards effectively and get approved quickly.

How to Join Pinterest Group Boards

Joining Pinterest group boards can be a game-changer for your affiliate marketing strategy. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it effectively.

Request to Join

First things first: Most group boards have a “Join” button underneath the board’s follower count. Clicking this button is the simplest way to request to join.

However, not all boards have this option. In such cases, you’ll need to take extra steps to get an invitation.

Personalized Message

Sending a personalized message to the board owner can significantly increase your chances of getting accepted.

Steps to Follow:
1. Locate the owner: Click on the first name or the first profile picture below the board title. This will direct you to the owner’s profile.
2. Copy their username handle: Look at the URL of the owner’s profile. The username is before “/_created/”.
3. Send a message: Click the Message icon on the top right corner, paste the owner’s username in the search bar, and start writing your message.

Pro Tip: Mention why you want to join the board and how you can contribute. Be polite and to the point.

Follow the Profile

Some board owners may require you to follow their profile before they consider your request.

Steps to Follow:
1. Follow the owner’s profile: Click the “Follow” button on their profile page.
2. Send a follow-up message: Mention that you’ve followed their profile and reiterate your request to join the board.

Email Contact

In some cases, the board owner might prefer email communication.

Steps to Follow:
1. Find the email address: Look for any contact information in the board description.
2. Write a concise email: Explain why you want to join the group board, how your content is relevant, and promise to respect the board’s rules. Don’t forget to include your Pinterest username or a link to your profile.

Example Email:
Subject: Request to Join [Board Name] Group Board

Hi [Board Owner’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I’m [Your Name] and I run a Pinterest account focused on [Your Niche]. I came across your group board, [Board Name], and I believe my content would be a great fit.

I’m committed to following the board rules and contributing high-quality pins. You can check out my profile here: [Your Pinterest Profile Link].

Thank you for considering my request.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

By following these steps, you can increase your chances of getting accepted into high-quality Pinterest group boards, which can significantly boost your affiliate marketing efforts.

Next, we’ll dive into the best Pinterest group boards for affiliate marketing in 2024.

Best Pinterest Group Boards for Affiliate Marketing

When it comes to Pinterest group boards, not all are created equal. Some boards are more effective for affiliate marketing than others. Let’s explore the best Pinterest group boards for affiliate marketing in 2024, focusing on high-quality boards, niche-specific boards, traffic growth, and engagement.

High-Quality Boards

High-quality boards are essential for successful affiliate marketing. These boards usually have:

  • Large follower counts: More followers mean more potential eyes on your pins.
  • Active contributors: Engaged members who regularly pin and repin content.
  • Strict rules: Boards with clear guidelines often maintain higher quality and relevance.

Example: “Blogging & Online Business Tips” is a top-tier board with thousands of followers and active contributors. It focuses on sharing valuable content for bloggers and business owners, making it ideal for affiliate marketers.

Niche-Specific Boards

Targeting niche-specific boards can significantly boost your affiliate marketing efforts. These boards attract a highly targeted audience interested in specific topics.

Example: “Keto & Low Carb Recipe Exchange” is perfect for marketers promoting keto-related products. The audience is already interested in keto recipes, making them more likely to engage with your affiliate links.

Traffic Growth

Boards with high engagement rates can drive substantial traffic to your website. Look for boards with:

  • Frequent pinning: Regular activity keeps the board fresh and engaging.
  • High repin rates: More repins mean your content reaches a broader audience.

Example: “Easy Recipes” is a board with a high repin rate. Users frequently share and engage with content, driving significant traffic to contributors’ websites.


Engagement is crucial for affiliate marketing success. Boards that foster interaction among members can lead to higher click-through rates and conversions.

Example: “Beauty Community Board for Makeup & Skincare Recommendations, Reviews and More” encourages members to share and discuss beauty tips and products. This interaction increases the likelihood of users clicking on affiliate links.

Top Picks by Niche

Here are some of the best Pinterest group boards for various niches:

  • Beauty: “Our Favorite Beauty Tips and Tutorials”
  • Blogging & Business: “Social Media Sisters”
  • Fashion: “Female Fashion Bloggers”
  • Food and Recipes: “Vegan Family Recipes”
  • Parenting: “Mom Bloggers Collective”
  • Lifestyle: “Life Well Loved”
  • Travel: “Travel Tips and Advice”

Joining these high-quality, niche-specific boards can significantly enhance your affiliate marketing strategy on Pinterest.

Next, we’ll discuss effective pinning strategies to maximize your success on Pinterest group boards.

How to Pin Effectively to Pinterest Group Boards

Pinning Strategy

When you join a Pinterest group board, the key is to pin thoughtfully and strategically. Don’t spam the board with all your content at once. Instead, drip-feed your pins to build trust and rapport. Dave Bowden from Irreverent Gent advises, “It’s much more effective to drip your content to a new board slowly. You get to build trust and rapport with a new audience.”

Tip: Use a tool like Edgar to automate your pin scheduling, ensuring a consistent posting schedule without overwhelming the board.

Consistent Branding

Consistency is crucial in creating pins that stand out. Use the same color schemes, fonts, and logo placements across all your pins. This helps users recognize your brand quickly. According to Affiliate Retirement, vertical images with bright colors and clear visuals perform the best on Pinterest.

Pro Tip: Add text overlays to your pins to explain what the pin is about. This makes it easier for users to understand the value of your content at a glance.

Relevant Pins

Always ensure that the pins you post are highly relevant to the board’s topic. Refer to the board description to double-check if your pins fit with the board’s content. Sarah Anne advises, “Don’t be tempted to flood the board with everything you created. Be respectful and stick to the board topic.”

Example: If you’re pinning to a food board, make sure your pins are recipes, cooking tips, or related content. Avoid posting unrelated content like travel guides or fashion tips.

Board Description

Before you start pinning, read the board description carefully. The description often includes rules and guidelines for what types of pins are allowed. Following these rules not only keeps you in good standing with the board owner but also increases the chances of your pins being repinned by others.

Quick Tip: Some board owners specify a pinning frequency or require you to repin other members’ content. Make sure to follow these guidelines to stay active and engaged.

Track Pins

Keep track of what you’ve pinned to each board using a simple spreadsheet. Note the dates and types of pins you’ve posted. This helps you monitor which boards are driving the most traffic and engagement.

Sarah Anne suggests, “Each day or week, pin different Pins to each board, rather than the same Pin to each board. That way, you’ll be able to track which group boards are creating the most impact and growth for your business.”

Sample Spreadsheet Columns:
Board Name
Date Pinned
Pin Description
Engagement Metrics (Likes, Repins, Clicks)

By following these effective pinning strategies, you can maximize your success on Pinterest group boards and drive significant traffic to your affiliate links.

Next, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about Pinterest group boards.

Frequently Asked Questions about Pinterest Group Boards

Is Pinterest good for affiliate marketing?

Absolutely! Pinterest is a visual search engine with over 482 million monthly active users. This makes it a goldmine for affiliate marketers. Users come to Pinterest to discover new brands and ideas, which means they are often in a shopping mindset.

Pinterest users are known for their high purchasing intent, especially in niche markets like beauty, home decor, and DIY projects. These niches thrive on visual content, which Pinterest excels at. By pinning engaging images and using effective SEO strategies, you can drive significant traffic to your affiliate links.

What is the best niche for Pinterest affiliate marketing?

Certain niches perform exceptionally well on Pinterest. Here are some of the best niches for affiliate marketing:

  • Home Decor: Pins about interior design, DIY projects, and home organization are very popular.
  • Fashion: Outfit ideas, seasonal fashion trends, and beauty tips attract a lot of attention.
  • Food: Recipes, cooking tips, and meal planning guides are highly engaging.
  • Travel: Travel tips, destination guides, and packing lists are frequently searched.
  • Health: Fitness routines, healthy recipes, and wellness tips are always in demand.

These niches are visually appealing and have a high engagement rate, making them perfect for affiliate marketing on Pinterest.

How do I get traffic for affiliate marketing on Pinterest?

To get traffic for affiliate marketing on Pinterest, follow these steps:

  1. Create Engaging Images: Use bright colors, clear images, and text overlays to make your Pins stand out. Vertical images perform better on Pinterest.

  2. Use Buying Guides: Create Pins that link to detailed buying guides. This helps users make informed decisions and increases the likelihood of conversions.

  3. Optimize for SEO: Use relevant keywords in your Pin descriptions and titles. Tools like Ahrefs and Moz Keyword Explorer can help you find the best keywords.

  4. Test Links: Make sure your affiliate links are working and lead to the correct product pages. Broken links can hurt your credibility and performance.

  5. Pin Consistently: Regularly pin new content to keep your audience engaged. Use scheduling tools like Tailwind to plan your Pins in advance.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively drive traffic to your affiliate links and increase your earnings on Pinterest.

Next, let’s dive into some additional tips for maximizing your success with Pinterest group boards.


Pinterest group boards are a powerful tool in your traffic strategy. They allow you to tap into a collaborative environment where multiple contributors share and promote each other’s content. This can lead to increased visibility and engagement for your Pins.

However, success with Pinterest group boards requires consistent effort and a strategic process. Simply joining a board and pinning sporadically won’t yield the best results. You need to be an active participant, repinning others’ content and sharing high-quality, relevant Pins consistently.

At Affiliate Retirement, we believe that leveraging Pinterest group boards should be part of a broader strategy. This includes optimizing your Pins for SEO, using high-quality visuals, and engaging with your audience regularly.

The key to success on Pinterest is not just about pinning your own content but also building relationships within the community. By doing so, you can create a network of supporters who will help amplify your reach.

In summary, Pinterest group boards are a valuable asset for affiliate marketers. With the right approach, they can significantly boost your traffic and earnings. Start applying these strategies today and watch your Pinterest presence grow.

Happy pinning!