Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Tools and Resources

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Affiliate Tracking Software

Why You Need the Best Affiliate Tracking Software

In affiliate marketing, utilizing the best affiliate tracking software can make or break your efforts. If you need a quick answer, here are some top picks:

  • Voluum: Best for comprehensive features and cloud-hosting.
  • Binom: Known for speed and detailed reports.
  • BeMob: Great for cloud-based, SSL-secured traffic distribution.
  • RedTrack: Cloud-hosted with multi-user access and fraud filtering.
  • ThriveTracker: Offers advanced split tests and detailed reports.
  • WeCanTrack: Specializes in data consolidation and conversion attribution.

Affiliate marketing is a powerful way to generate passive income, especially if you’re an aspiring entrepreneur with financial constraints. The secret to success lies in tracking, analyzing, and optimizing your campaigns effectively. This is where affiliate tracking software comes into play, enabling you to manage and scale your marketing efforts efficiently.

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Using the right software can help you understand your campaigns’ performance, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately, boost your profits. From tracking clicks and conversions to monitoring ROI, these tools simplify complex tasks, making it easier for you to focus on growing your business.

I’m Annette Lode, an experienced Affiliate Marketing Coach, here to guide you through selecting the best affiliate tracking software for your needs. With my expertise, you’ll learn how to leverage these tools to maximize your affiliate marketing success.

best affiliate tracking software overview - best affiliate tracking software infographic brainstorm-6-items

What is Affiliate Tracking Software?

Affiliate tracking software is a specialized tool designed to monitor and manage the performance of affiliate marketing campaigns. It tracks the clicks, conversions, and sales generated by affiliate links, ensuring that affiliates get credited for the sales and leads they generate.


The main purpose of affiliate tracking software is to provide a transparent and accurate way to track the performance of your affiliate marketing efforts. By doing so, it helps you:

  • Measure Campaign Success: Understand which campaigns are performing well and which need improvement.
  • Manage Affiliates: Keep track of your affiliates’ activities and ensure they are properly compensated.
  • Optimize Marketing Strategies: Use data insights to refine and optimize your marketing strategies for better results.


Here are some key benefits of using affiliate tracking software:

  • Accurate Tracking: Ensures that all clicks, conversions, and sales are tracked accurately, so affiliates are rewarded fairly.
  • Fraud Detection: Many tools come with fraud detection features to identify and prevent fraudulent activities.
  • Custom Reports: Generate detailed reports to analyze the performance of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions.
  • Automation: Automate repetitive tasks such as payouts, reports, and notifications, saving you time and effort.
  • Scalability: As your business grows, the software can handle increased traffic and more complex campaigns.

Key Features

When choosing the best affiliate tracking software, look for the following key features:

  • Real-Time Tracking: Monitor clicks, conversions, and sales in real-time to make timely adjustments.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Create dashboards that display the metrics most important to you.
  • Fraud Detection: Protect your campaigns from fraudulent activities with advanced fraud detection algorithms.
  • Integration Capabilities: Ensure the software can integrate with your existing tools and platforms, such as eCommerce sites and payment gateways.
  • Custom Reports: Generate custom reports to get the insights you need without sifting through irrelevant data.
  • User Management: Easily manage multiple users and set permissions to control access to different parts of the software.
  • Automation: Automate tasks like sending out reports, paying affiliates, and setting up new campaigns.

affiliate tracking software - best affiliate tracking software

Quote: “Trackier analyzes traffic in real-time, allowing it to detect potential fraud before it even occurs.” – Francisco Guerreiro, Networks Account Manager

Case Study: A company using Trackier was able to reduce its operational time by 30% and increase its ROI by 20% within six months due to its robust tracking and fraud detection features.

By understanding what affiliate tracking software is and the benefits it offers, you can make an informed decision when selecting the right tool for your affiliate marketing needs. Next, we’ll dive into the top 6 best affiliate tracking software of 2024 to help you further narrow down your options.

Top 6 Best Affiliate Tracking Software of 2024

Voluum is a leading choice for many affiliate marketers. It’s cloud-hosted, which means you don’t have to worry about server management. This platform offers easy integration with a variety of traffic sources and affiliate networks, making it a versatile tool.

Cloud-hosting: No need for server management.
Integration: Predefined traffic sources and affiliate networks.
Stats Variety: Detailed analytics on zones, countries, and more.
Teamwork: Supports multi-user access and permission delegation.

Voluum has a flexible pricing model, starting at $69 per month if paid annually.

Binom stands out for its speed and comprehensive reporting. It’s self-hosted, which means you have full control over your data and infrastructure. Binom is also very teamwork-friendly, allowing you to delegate rights and hide profitability from other team members if needed.

Speed: Fast redirects and data processing.
Reports: Detailed and customizable reporting.
Teamwork: Unlimited users with different access levels.
Support: 24/7 customer support.

Binom offers an affordable plan at $99 per month, with a discount to $69 per month if paid annually.

BeMob is a cloud-based tracker known for its user-friendly interface and extensive list of pre-configured traffic sources and affiliate networks. It offers SSL for custom domains and an advanced traffic distribution system.

Cloud-based: No server management needed.
SSL: Automatic SSL certificates for custom domains.
Traffic Distribution: Rule-based system with 30+ conditions.
Support: Friendly and responsive live chat support.

BeMob offers a range of flexible pricing plans, including a free tier for beginners.

RedTrack is another cloud-hosted solution that is simple yet sophisticated. It supports multi-user access and fraud filtering, making it ideal for both newbies and advanced users.

Cloud-hosted: Managed service with no server hassles.
Multi-user Access: Different access levels for team members.
Fraud Filtering: Protects against fraudulent activities.
Support: Prompt and consistent customer service.

RedTrack has a base price of $99 per month, but additional costs may arise based on the number of events and database usage.

ThriveTracker offers a robust cloud service with features like split tests and detailed reports. It’s designed to handle high volumes and complex tracking needs.

Cloud Service: Managed hosting with high reliability.
Split Tests: Easily set up and manage A/B tests.
Reports: Comprehensive reporting tools.
Support: Strong customer support.

ThriveTracker’s pricing starts at $99 per month, with various plans available based on your needs.

WeCanTrack excels in data consolidation and conversion attribution. It’s particularly useful for website publishers who need to integrate their data across multiple platforms.

Data Consolidation: Combines data from various sources.
Conversion Attribution: Tracks conversions accurately.
Integrations: Connects with Google Analytics, Data Studio, and more.
WordPress Plugin: Easy tracking for WordPress sites.

WeCanTrack offers competitive pricing, with plans starting at an affordable rate.

By exploring these top options, you can find the best affiliate tracking software that fits your specific needs and helps you optimize your affiliate marketing efforts.

How to Choose the Best Affiliate Tracking Software

Choosing the best affiliate tracking software can be challenging. Here are some key criteria and features to consider:



Your budget is crucial. Some tools come with hefty price tags, while others are more affordable. For instance, WeCanTrack offers competitive pricing starting at an affordable rate. Always balance cost with the value the software provides.


Make a list of essential features you need. Here are some to consider:

  • Integration Capabilities: Ensure the software integrates well with your existing tools, like Google Analytics and Data Studio.
  • Data Consolidation: Look for tools that can combine data from various sources, like WeCanTrack.
  • Real-Time Reporting: This helps you make quick, informed decisions.
  • Automation: Features like automated referral partner recruitment can save you time and effort.


Good customer support is non-negotiable. You might face technical issues or have questions. Ensure the software offers prompt and detailed support via multiple channels like phone, email, and live chat.


As your business grows, your software should grow with you. Choose tools that can handle increased traffic and data, like Voluum, which offers cloud-hosted services to manage large volumes efficiently.

Features to Consider

Ease of Use

The software should be user-friendly. You don’t want to spend weeks learning how to use it. Look for intuitive interfaces and good user reviews.


Data protection is vital. Ensure the software has robust security measures, especially if you’re handling sensitive customer data.


Customization options allow you to tailor the software to your specific needs. For example, Tapfiliate offers white-labeled affiliate pages that match your brand.


Pricing can vary widely. Some platforms, like, charge around $500 per month. Others like Rewardful offer plans as low as $49 per month. Consider both the base price and any additional costs for extra features or higher volumes.


Check the quality of customer support. Read user reviews to see how responsive and helpful the support team is. Good support can save you a lot of headaches down the line.


Your chosen software should be able to handle growth. Tools like Voluum and WeCanTrack are designed to scale with your business, offering features that support increased traffic and data management.

By considering these criteria and features, you can select the best affiliate tracking software that fits your needs and helps you optimize your affiliate marketing efforts.

How to Track Affiliate Links for Free

Tracking affiliate links is essential for understanding the performance of your campaigns, but you don’t always need to spend money to get good results. Here’s how you can track affiliate links for free using tools like LinkTrack and other free resources.


LinkTrack is a popular free tool for tracking affiliate links. It helps you monitor clicks, conversions, and other important metrics without any cost. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Sign Up: Go to the LinkTrack website and create a free account.
  2. Add Your Links: Enter your affiliate links into the dashboard. You can add as many links as you need.
  3. Monitor Clicks: LinkTrack provides real-time data on clicks, so you can see how many people are interacting with your links.
  4. Analyze Data: Use the reports to understand which links are performing best. This helps you optimize your campaigns.

Other Free Tools

If LinkTrack doesn’t meet all your needs, there are other free tools you can use:

  • Google Analytics: You can set up goals to track clicks on your affiliate links. This gives you insights into how well your content is driving traffic and conversions.

  • Bitly: A URL shortener that also offers basic tracking features. It’s simple to use and provides click statistics.

Monitoring Clicks

Monitoring clicks is crucial to measure the success of your affiliate marketing efforts. Here are steps to effectively monitor clicks:

  1. Use Tracking URLs: Always use tracking URLs for your affiliate links. This helps you see where clicks are coming from.
  2. Check Reports Regularly: Regularly check your tracking tool’s reports to see how your links are performing.
  3. Optimize Based on Data: Use the data to make informed decisions. If a link isn’t performing well, try changing its placement or using a different call-to-action.


Setting up tracking for your affiliate links is straightforward:

  1. Create Accounts: Sign up for free tools like LinkTrack, Google Analytics, or Bitly.
  2. Add Links: Enter your affiliate links into the tool’s dashboard.
  3. Configure Settings: Set up any necessary settings, like goals in Google Analytics.
  4. Monitor and Adjust: Keep an eye on your reports and make adjustments as needed.

By using these free tools and following these steps, you can effectively track your affiliate links without spending a dime. This ensures you make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns and increase your earnings.

Next, let’s look at how to keep track of all your affiliate programs in one place.

How to Keep Track of All Your Affiliate Programs

Managing multiple affiliate programs can get messy fast. You need a simple way to keep everything organized. Let’s break down how you can do just that using tools like Excel and Google Spreadsheets.

Organization is Key

First, have a centralized place to store all your affiliate program details. This helps you avoid confusion and ensures you have quick access to all necessary information.

Use Excel or Google Spreadsheets

Excel and Google Spreadsheets are fantastic tools for this. They are easy to use, highly customizable, and accessible from anywhere (especially Google Sheets).

Here’s how you can set up your spreadsheet:

  1. Create Columns for Key Details:
  2. Program Name: The name of the affiliate program.
  3. Affiliate Link: Your unique affiliate link.
  4. Commission Rate: The percentage or amount you earn per sale.
  5. Payment Terms: When and how you get paid.
  6. Login Details: Username and password (if you’re comfortable storing this).
  7. Notes: Any additional information, such as special promotions or important dates.

  8. Fill in the Details:

  9. Start by listing all your affiliate programs in the first column.
  10. Add the corresponding details in the adjacent columns.

  11. Use Filters and Sorting:

  12. Excel and Google Sheets allow you to filter and sort data. This helps you easily find specific programs or sort them by commission rate, payment terms, etc.

Recording Details

Keep your spreadsheet up to date. Whenever you join a new program, immediately add it to your list.

  • Monthly Review: Set a reminder to review your spreadsheet monthly. Update any changes, such as new commission rates or payment terms.
  • Track Performance: Add a column for tracking performance metrics, like clicks, conversions, and earnings. This helps you see which programs are performing best.

Benefits of Using Spreadsheets

  • Accessibility: Google Spreadsheets can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, making it easy to update on the go.
  • Customization: Tailor your spreadsheet to your specific needs, adding or removing columns as necessary.
  • Collaboration: If you work with a team, Google Spreadsheets allows multiple users to edit simultaneously.

By keeping all your affiliate program details organized in a spreadsheet, you can manage your affiliate marketing efforts more effectively. This ensures you stay on top of your game and maximize your earnings.

Now, let’s dive into some frequently asked questions about affiliate tracking software.

Frequently Asked Questions about Affiliate Tracking Software

How do I keep track of all my affiliate programs?

Keeping track of multiple affiliate programs can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and organization, it becomes manageable. Here are some tips to help you stay organized:

  • Use Spreadsheets: Tools like Excel or Google Spreadsheets are great for recording all your affiliate programs. List details such as program names, URLs, commission rates, and login credentials.

  • Dedicated Software: Some affiliate tracking software offers features to help you manage multiple programs in one place. For example, Voluum and WeCanTrack provide dashboards that consolidate data from various sources.

  • Automated Tools: Platforms like Tapfiliate automate the recruitment and tracking of referral partners, making it easier to manage multiple programs without manual input.

  • Regular Updates: Ensure your records are up-to-date. Set reminders to check and update your spreadsheet or software regularly.

How do I track my affiliate traffic?

Tracking your affiliate traffic is crucial to understand which campaigns are working and where you need to make adjustments. Here are the steps to track your affiliate traffic effectively:

  1. Use Affiliate Tracking Software: Tools like Voluum and RedTrack provide real-time data on clicks, conversions, and revenue. These platforms often offer detailed reports to help you analyze your traffic.

  2. Google Analytics: This free tool can also be set up to track affiliate links. Here’s how:

  3. Sign in to Google Analytics: Go to your account and select the website you want to track.

  4. Navigate to Admin: Click on the “Admin” tab at the bottom left.
  5. Create a New Goal: Under the “View” column, click “Goals” and then “New Goal.”
  6. Set Up Your Goal: Choose a template or create a custom goal. For tracking affiliate clicks, use the “Event” option.
  7. Configure Goal Details: Enter specifics like event category, action, and label.

  8. Custom URLs and UTM Parameters: Use UTM parameters to tag your affiliate links. This helps you track the performance of each link in Google Analytics.

Which platform is best for affiliate marketing?

Choosing the best affiliate tracking software depends on your specific needs. Here’s a quick comparison of some top platforms:

  • Voluum: Known for its cloud-hosting and easy integration with various traffic sources. Ideal for both beginners and experienced marketers. Read More

  • Tapfiliate: Offers automated referral partner recruitment and real-time reporting. Great for eCommerce and SaaS businesses. Learn More

  • WeCanTrack: Best for website publishers looking to consolidate data and measure conversion rates. Integrates with Google Analytics and other analytics systems. Explore Features

  • ThriveTracker: Provides robust split-testing features and detailed reports, making it suitable for advanced marketers. Discover More

Each platform has its strengths, so consider factors like ease of use, integration capabilities, and pricing when making your choice.

By understanding these key aspects, you can better manage your affiliate programs and track your performance effectively.

Next, let’s explore how to track affiliate links for free.


Affiliate tracking software is essential for managing and optimizing your affiliate marketing efforts. We’ve explored several top contenders, each with unique features and benefits, to help you choose the best affiliate tracking software for your needs.


From Voluum‘s cloud-hosting and integration capabilities to WeCanTrack‘s data consolidation and conversion attribution, each tool offers something different. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced marketer, it’s crucial to consider factors like ease of use, integration capabilities, and pricing when choosing your software.

Final Thoughts

Affiliate marketing is a powerful way to generate income, but it requires the right tools to track and optimize your efforts. The best affiliate tracking software can provide valuable insights, streamline your processes, and ultimately help you succeed in your marketing journey.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Evaluate your needs, try out free trials, and choose the software that aligns best with your goals.

For more comprehensive guidance and support in your affiliate marketing journey, visit Affiliate Retirement. We’re here to help you succeed every step of the way.

Happy marketing!