Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Tools and Resources

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Affiliate Link Cloaking Tools

Why Proper Link Cloaking is Key in Affiliate Marketing Success

If you’re looking for the best affiliate link cloaking tools, you’ve come to the right place. Cloaking links not only makes them more appealing and professional but also protects your data and enhances your affiliate marketing strategy. Here’s a quick answer if you’re in a rush:

Top 3 Affiliate Link Cloaking Tools:
1. ThirstyAffiliates – For comprehensive affiliate link management.
2. Pretty Links – Great for tracking and automating tasks.
3. Easy Affiliate Links – Ideal for A/B testing and extensive link control.

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When it comes to affiliate marketing, link cloaking—also known as URL masking—is a crucial technique. It not only makes long, ugly affiliate URLs look beautiful but also protects your affiliate IDs from potential data theft. A clean URL builds trust with your audience and can positively impact your click-through rates.

I’m Annette Lode, an experienced Affiliate Marketing Coach. Over the years, I’ve helped countless individuals and businesses master the art of best affiliate link cloaking to optimize their strategies.

Ready to dive deeper? Let’s explore why link cloaking matters and the top tools to use.

Affiliate Link Cloaking Benefits - best affiliate link cloaking infographic step-infographic-4-steps

What is Affiliate Link Cloaking?

Affiliate link cloaking is a technique used to disguise long, complex URLs by setting up a URL redirect. This process, also known as URL masking, shortens and rebrands the link, making it look cleaner and more trustworthy.

How It Works

When you cloak a link, you replace the original affiliate URL with a customized one. For example, instead of a link like this:

You get a simplified version like this:

Why It Matters

Protect Your Affiliate ID

One of the primary reasons for cloaking links is to protect your affiliate ID. By masking the URL, you prevent potential data theft and ensure that your affiliate commissions are secure. This is crucial because exposing your affiliate ID can lead to cookie stuffing and other fraudulent activities.

Tracking Commissions

Link cloaking also aids in tracking commissions. When you cloak a link, you can monitor who clicks it and which links are performing best. This data helps you optimize your marketing strategy and focus on what works. For instance, if you have multiple products, you can see which one gets the most traffic and adjust your promotions accordingly.

Build Credibility

A clean, branded URL looks more professional and trustworthy. Users are more likely to click on a link that appears safe and relevant to the content they are viewing. This boosts your click-through rates and overall engagement.

“Link cloaking fosters link trust with your site’s visitors. Instead of seeing a strange URL with a series of numbers and letters, you can create a link that includes your domain name and product name.” — HubSpot

Real-World Example

Imagine you run a blog about tech gadgets and you’re promoting a new smartwatch. Without link cloaking, your affiliate link might look something like this:

With link cloaking, it transforms into:

This simple change makes the link more appealing and trustworthy, increasing the likelihood that your audience will click on it.


In summary, affiliate link cloaking is a powerful tool that enhances the appearance and security of your affiliate links. It protects your affiliate ID, helps you track commissions, and builds credibility with your audience.

Next, let’s dive into why you should use affiliate link cloaking and the top tools to help you get started.

Why You Should Use Affiliate Link Cloaking

Affiliate link cloaking isn’t just about making your links look prettier. It offers several compelling benefits that can significantly impact your affiliate marketing success. Let’s break down why you should use affiliate link cloaking.

Boost Link Trust

One of the most important reasons to cloak your affiliate links is to boost link trust. Long, messy URLs can look suspicious and deter users from clicking. They might think the link leads to malware or phishing sites.

Cloaked links, on the other hand, are branded and clean, making them look more credible and trustworthy. For example, instead of seeing, your audience will see This simple change can make a world of difference in how users perceive your links.

Enhance Affiliate Link Management

Managing multiple affiliate links can be a headache, especially if you’re working with different affiliate programs. Link cloaking simplifies this process by allowing you to organize and track all your links from a single dashboard.

Tools like ThirstyAffiliates enable you to categorize links based on campaigns or programs, making it easier to monitor their performance. You can also use various URL redirect types (301, 307, JavaScript) to enhance your link management strategy.

Track Click Data

Knowing how your links are performing is crucial for any affiliate marketer. Cloaked links make it easier to track click data and analyze the effectiveness of your campaigns.

By examining click data, you can identify which links are driving the most traffic and conversions. This information helps you improve your strategy and better target your audience. For instance, you might find that a particular product link gets more clicks when shared on social media rather than in an email newsletter.

Reach a Larger Audience

Cloaked links are not only more trustworthy but also more shareable. Clean URLs are easier to remember and more likely to be shared across social media platforms, helping you reach a larger audience.

When your links contain your brand name or a relevant product keyword, they become even more appealing. This can encourage visitors to share them, increasing your reach organically.

social media sharing - best affiliate link cloaking


In summary, affiliate link cloaking offers numerous benefits, from boosting link trust to enhancing link management and tracking click data. It also helps you reach a larger audience by making your links more shareable. Next, let’s explore the best tools available for affiliate link cloaking to help you get started.

Best Affiliate Link Cloaking Tools

Finding the best affiliate link cloaking tools can make a significant difference in your affiliate marketing efforts. Below, we’ll dive into some of the top options available, highlighting their key features and benefits.

Pretty Links

Price: Free, with premium plans available

Pretty Links is a versatile tool designed for tracking and redirecting links. It offers features like click tracking and unique click tracking, helping you understand your link performance better.

Key Features:
301, 302, and 307 redirects: Choose between permanent and temporary redirects.
Click tracking: Monitor how many times a link is clicked and by how many unique users.
Automation tools: Automatically create and manage links.

Note: The cloaked redirect feature is only available in the Pro version.


Price: Free, with premium plans available

ThirstyAffiliates integrates seamlessly with WordPress, making it easy to add, manage, and cloak links directly from your visual editor.

Key Features:
Visual editor integration: Add and manage links from your toolbar.
Quick Add button: Create cloaked links quickly.
Amazon API importing: Import Amazon affiliate links easily.

Limitations: Some users have reported difficulty connecting with the support team.

Easy Affiliate Links

Price: Free, with premium plans available

Easy Affiliate Links is a user-friendly tool for managing and cloaking affiliate links. It supports link categorization and offers A/B testing for optimizing link performance.

Key Features:
Link management: Organize links into categories.
A/B testing: Test different versions of your links.
UGC and sponsored attributes: Add attributes to comply with Google’s guidelines.

WooCommerce Cloak Affiliate Links

Price: Free

Specifically designed for WooCommerce users, this plugin cloaks affiliate links in your online store. It also adds a “Disallow” command to your robots.txt file to improve SEO.

Key Features:
301, 302, and 307 redirects: Choose your preferred type of redirect.
Robots.txt integration: Prevent bots from following external links.
Simple and free: Easy to install and use.

Limitations: Lacks tracking features.

Simple URLs

Price: Free

Simple URLs is a straightforward tool for managing and tracking outbound links. It adds a custom post type to your Admin menu, avoiding permalink conflicts.

Key Features:
Custom post type: Avoid permalink conflicts.
Link shortening: Make links more shareable.
Free: No cost to use.

URL Shortener Pro

Price: Free, with premium plans available

URL Shortener Pro offers a robust solution for shortening and cloaking links. It’s ideal for those who need advanced tracking and link management features.

Key Features:
Advanced tracking: Monitor link performance in detail.
Customizable links: Create branded, short URLs.
Comprehensive dashboard: Manage all your links in one place.

Amazon Auto Links

Price: Free

Amazon Auto Links is tailored for Amazon affiliates, automatically generating and cloaking Amazon affiliate links based on your settings.

Key Features:
Automatic link generation: Generate links based on keywords or categories.
Cloaking: Disguise long Amazon URLs.
Free: No cost to use.


Price: Free, with premium plans available

EasyAzon simplifies the process of adding Amazon affiliate links to your WordPress site. It offers features like link localization and product pop-ups.

Key Features:
Link localization: Automatically direct users to their local Amazon store.
Product pop-ups: Display product information in pop-ups.
Easy to use: Simple installation and setup.

Each of these tools offers unique features to help you manage and cloak your affiliate links effectively. Choose the one that best fits your needs and start optimizing your affiliate marketing strategy today.

Pretty Links

Pretty Links is a powerful WordPress plugin designed to make your affiliate marketing efforts more efficient. It offers a range of features, from tracking and redirecting to advanced link management and automation tools.


Pretty Links provides robust tracking capabilities, helping you monitor every click on your cloaked links. This feature allows you to gather invaluable data about user behavior and link performance.

Imagine you have two links pointing to different products. By tracking these links, you can see which product is more popular among your audience. This data helps you make informed decisions about which products to promote more aggressively.


Redirecting is another key feature of Pretty Links. It supports various redirection types, including 301, 307, and JavaScript redirects. These options help you manage how users are directed to your affiliate links, ensuring a smooth user experience and better SEO performance.

For instance, if you have a link that needs to be updated, you can easily redirect it to a new URL without losing any traffic. This flexibility is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your affiliate links over time.

Link Management

Effective link management is essential for any affiliate marketer. Pretty Links allows you to organize your links into categories, making it easier to track and manage them. You can create groups for outbound, internal, and external links, simplifying your workflow.

For example, you can create a category for all your Amazon affiliate links and another for your eBay links. This organization helps you quickly find and analyze the performance of your different affiliate programs.

Automation Tools

Automation is a game-changer for busy affiliate marketers. Pretty Links offers a variety of automation tools to save you time. One standout feature is the ability to automatically turn specific keywords into affiliate links across your site. This ensures that you don’t miss any monetization opportunities.

Additionally, Pretty Links can automatically share your cloaked links on social media platforms, extending your reach and driving more traffic to your affiliate offers.

Key Features:
URL redirection: Supports 301, 307, and JavaScript redirects.
Link management: Organize links into categories for easy tracking.
Link tracking system: Monitor link performance and conversions.
Link automation: Automatically create and share cloaked links.

Limited features on the free version: Fewer redirection types and no link automation.
No automated link health checker: Cannot identify issues or ensure system functionality.

Pretty Links combines ease of use with powerful features, making it an excellent choice for affiliate marketers looking to optimize their link cloaking strategy.

Next, let’s explore the capabilities of ThirstyAffiliates, another popular link cloaking tool for WordPress.


ThirstyAffiliates is a robust affiliate link cloaking tool designed for WordPress users. It offers a suite of features that not only simplify link management but also enhance monetization efforts for affiliate marketers. Let’s dive into some of its standout features:


One of the key benefits of ThirstyAffiliates is its focus on monetization. The plugin allows you to easily cloak and manage your affiliate links, making them more appealing and trustworthy to your audience. By using branded links, you can increase click-through rates and, consequently, your affiliate commissions.

Example: Imagine you own a shoe store and use links like These clean, branded links are more likely to be clicked compared to messy, unbranded URLs.

Amazon API Importing

For those involved in Amazon affiliate marketing, ThirstyAffiliates offers Amazon API importing. This feature is a game-changer as it allows you to automatically import product data from Amazon, ensuring your links are always up-to-date.

Fact: Amazon’s Associate program makes it clear that direct links are required, and ThirstyAffiliates helps you comply with these rules by allowing specific links to remain uncloaked.

Link Scheduling

ThirstyAffiliates also offers link scheduling, which is particularly useful for time-sensitive promotions. You can schedule your affiliate links to go live or expire at specific times, ensuring that your audience always sees the most relevant offers.

Case Study: A marketer used link scheduling to promote holiday sales, setting links to activate on Black Friday and deactivate after Cyber Monday. This resulted in a 30% increase in sales during the promotional period.

Google Analytics Events

Tracking the performance of your cloaked links is crucial for optimizing your affiliate marketing strategy. ThirstyAffiliates integrates with Google Analytics, allowing you to track link clicks as events. This data can help you understand which links are performing well and which ones need improvement.

Statistic: According to a study, marketers who use data-driven strategies see a 20% increase in ROI. By tracking link performance with Google Analytics, you can make informed decisions that boost your affiliate revenue.

ThirstyAffiliates combines ease of use with powerful features, making it an excellent choice for affiliate marketers looking to optimize their link cloaking strategy.

Next, let’s explore the capabilities of Easy Affiliate Links, another popular link cloaking tool for WordPress.

Easy Affiliate Links

Easy Affiliate Links is a user-friendly WordPress plugin perfect for managing all your affiliate links in one place. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned affiliate marketer, this tool offers features that simplify link management, enhance performance tracking, and improve overall efficiency.

Link Management

Managing a plethora of affiliate links can be overwhelming. Easy Affiliate Links streamlines this process by allowing you to organize and monitor your links effortlessly. You can categorize your links based on campaigns, products, or affiliate programs, making it easy to find and manage them.

Key Features:
Centralized Dashboard: Keep all your links in one easy-to-access location.
Link Categorization: Organize links by campaigns or programs for better management.
Monthly and Lifetime Clicks: Track how many times each link is clicked over time.

A/B Testing

One of the standout features of Easy Affiliate Links is its A/B testing capability. A/B testing allows you to compare different versions of your cloaked URLs to see which one performs better. This is crucial for optimizing your links to maximize clicks and conversions.

Why A/B Testing Matters:
Performance Insights: Understand which link versions attract more clicks.
Optimization: Continuously improve your links based on data-driven insights.
Higher Conversions: Increase your chances of converting visitors into customers.

UGC and Sponsored Attributes

User-Generated Content (UGC) and sponsored attributes are essential for maintaining transparency and complying with advertising guidelines. Easy Affiliate Links makes it simple to add these attributes to your links, ensuring that your audience knows when a link is sponsored.

Benefits of UGC and Sponsored Attributes:
Transparency: Build trust by clearly labeling sponsored links.
Compliance: Meet regulatory requirements and avoid penalties.
Audience Trust: Enhance credibility with your audience by being upfront about sponsored content.

Quote: “Transparency is key in affiliate marketing. Using UGC and sponsored attributes not only complies with guidelines but also builds trust with your audience.” — Forbes

Easy Affiliate Links offers a comprehensive solution for managing, optimizing, and tracking your affiliate links. Its user-friendly interface and robust features make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to streamline their affiliate marketing efforts.

Next, let’s dive into how to cloak affiliate links without using a plugin, ideal for those who prefer manual methods.

How to Cloak Links Without a Plugin

Not a fan of plugins? No problem. You can still cloak your affiliate links manually. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to get you started.

Step 1: Create a New Folder

First, access your server using an FTP client like FileZilla. Navigate to your main directory. Create a new folder named something like affiliate-links.

Step 2: Upload the index.php File

Create a file named index.php and add the following code from Yoast’s GitHub repository. This script will handle the redirection:

$id = isset( $_GET[‘id’] ) ? rtrim( trim( $_GET[‘id’] ), ‘/’ ) : ‘default’;
$f = fopen( ‘redirects.txt’, ‘r’ );
$urls = array();

// The file didn’t open correctly.
if ( !$f ) {
echo ‘Make sure you create your redirects.txt file and that it\’s readable by the redirect script.’;

// Read the input file and parse it into an array
while( $data = fgetcsv( $f ) ) {
if ( !isset( $data[0] ) || !isset( $data[1] ) ) continue;
$key = trim( $data[0] );
$val = trim( $data[1] );
$urls[ $key ] = $val;

// Check if the given ID is set, if it is, set the URL to that, if not, default
$url = ( isset( $urls[ $id ] ) ) ? $urls[ $id ] : ( isset( $urls[ ‘default’ ] ) ? $urls[ ‘default’ ] : false );

if ( $url ) {
header( “X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow”, true );
header( “Location: ” . $url, 302 );
} else {
echo ‘

Make sure your redirects.txt file contains a default value, syntax:


Where you should replace with your domain.


Step 3: Add Links in the redirects.txt File

Create a file named redirects.txt. This file will map your slugs to their respective URLs. Here’s the format:


Each entry should be on a new line. The first part is the slug, and the second part is the destination URL.

Step 4: Block Crawlers

To prevent search engines from crawling your cloaked links, you need to update your robots.txt file. Add the following rule:

Disallow: /affiliate-links/

This tells search engines not to index anything in your affiliate-links folder.

Following these steps will help you cloak your affiliate links manually, without the need for any plugins. This method provides more control and can be a great solution for those who prefer a hands-on approach.

Next, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about affiliate link cloaking.

Frequently Asked Questions about Affiliate Link Cloaking

Does Link Cloaking Affect SEO?

No, link cloaking does not harm your SEO efforts. Some worry it might seem like spam, but it can actually drive traffic to your site. Cloaked links are not counted as backlinks by Google, so they won’t boost your page rank. However, they can still help with user experience and click-through rates.

Can You Cloak Amazon Affiliate Links?

No, you can’t cloak Amazon affiliate links. This is strictly against the Amazon Operating Agreement. Amazon requires direct links to track where customer clicks come from. Violating this rule can get you banned from the platform. Always read the terms and conditions of each affiliate program to avoid any issues.

Can You Cloak Affiliate Links Without a Website?

Yes, you can cloak affiliate links without a website using link shortening services like Bitly. However, this method has limitations. You can’t customize the links fully, change URL destinations, or manage them easily. For better control and branding, using a dedicated link cloaking tool is recommended.

Next, let’s explore the best affiliate link cloaking tools available to streamline your affiliate marketing efforts.


Using affiliate link cloaking can significantly enhance your affiliate marketing efforts. At Affiliate Retirement, we believe that employing the right tools can make a world of difference in how you manage, track, and share your affiliate links.

Boost Link Trust

Cloaked links are cleaner and more trustworthy. They help reduce the risk of security threats like malware and phishing attacks. Branded links make your audience feel secure, increasing the likelihood that they’ll click and engage.

Enhance Link Management

Managing multiple affiliate links can be overwhelming. Link cloaking tools like ThirstyAffiliates and Pretty Links simplify this process. These tools allow you to organize your links, track clicks, and monitor conversions—all from a single dashboard. This streamlined management saves time and reduces errors.

Track Click Data

Understanding your audience’s behavior is crucial for improving your affiliate marketing strategy. Cloaked links provide valuable data on clicks and conversions. By analyzing this data, you can refine your approach to better target your audience and boost your earnings.

Reach a Larger Audience

Clean, branded URLs are more likely to be shared across social media and other platforms. This helps you reach a broader audience and increases the chances of generating more traffic and sales. A consistent brand presence also makes your links more memorable.

In summary, affiliate link cloaking offers numerous benefits, from building trust to enhancing management and tracking capabilities. By utilizing these tools, you can optimize your affiliate marketing strategy and achieve greater success.

Ready to take your affiliate marketing to the next level? Visit Affiliate Retirement to learn more about how we can help you succeed.

With these insights, you’re well-equipped to make informed decisions about your affiliate marketing strategy. Happy marketing!