Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Affiliate Programs

An Essential Guide to Verifying Legendary Marketer Legitimacy

Understanding if Legendary Marketer is Legit or a Scam

When it comes to finding reliable information about Legendary Marketer scam, it’s natural to be skeptical. This guide aims to clear up the confusion and provide you with a straightforward understanding of what Legendary Marketer is, and if it’s worth your time and investment.

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Quick Answer:
Is Legendary Marketer a scam? No, it’s not a scam. It’s an educational platform focused on affiliate marketing and digital business.
Does Legendary Marketer have upsells? Yes, it does include upsells throughout its courses.
Is the 15-day Business Builder Challenge useful? Yes, it provides valuable insights for beginners.

Before diving into any program, verifying its legitimacy is crucial. Legendary Marketer, like many online educational courses, has its share of scrutiny. This guide aims to provide a balanced outlook, combining research and experiences, to help you decide whether this platform aligns with your online business goals.

Importance of Verifying Legitimacy:
Your time and money are valuable. By verifying the legitimacy of programs like Legendary Marketer, you safeguard your resources and ensure you are investing in something that will genuinely benefit you. This guide will delve into the details of Legendary Marketer’s features, its pros and cons, and who it’s most suitable for.

Legendary Marketer Legitimacy Infographic - legendary marketer scam infographic pillar-5-steps

What is Legendary Marketer?

Legendary Marketer is an online education platform designed to teach individuals how to build and grow successful online businesses. The program focuses heavily on affiliate marketing and digital marketing strategies, offering a range of courses and resources to help users achieve their entrepreneurial goals.

Online Education Program

Legendary Marketer provides a structured learning experience through various courses, workshops, and live events. Their flagship product, the 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge, is an entry-level program aimed at beginners. This challenge walks users through the basics of starting an online business, offering actionable steps and practical advice.

Here’s a quick look at what the 15-Day Challenge includes:

  • Daily video lessons with actionable tasks
  • Personalized business plan tailored to your goals
  • Access to a business coach for guidance and support
  • Templates and scripts to kickstart your business

Focus on Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a core component of Legendary Marketer’s curriculum. The platform teaches users how to promote products and earn commissions by leveraging various online channels. The training covers everything from finding profitable niches to creating effective marketing funnels.

David Sharpe, the founder, emphasizes the importance of understanding the “value ladder”—a concept that involves offering low-cost products to attract customers and then upselling them to higher-ticket items. This strategy is deeply integrated into their training modules.

Digital Marketing Strategies

In addition to affiliate marketing, Legendary Marketer offers comprehensive training on various digital marketing techniques. These include:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Content Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Advertising

The platform aims to equip users with a broad skill set, making them versatile marketers capable of navigating the ever-changing digital landscape.

Who is David Sharpe?

David Sharpe is the founder of Legendary Marketer and a well-known figure in the online marketing world. With over a decade of experience, he has generated more than $200 million in sales throughout his career. Sharpe’s journey is particularly inspiring given his challenging past, including overcoming addiction and starting anew.

His previous involvement with the now-defunct Empower Network, an MLM company, has raised some eyebrows. However, it’s crucial to note that Sharpe left the company well before it faced any legal issues. This background provides context but doesn’t necessarily reflect on the legitimacy of Legendary Marketer.

Sharpe has since built a reputation for delivering valuable, actionable training. His story and expertise make him a relatable and credible mentor for many aspiring marketers.

In summary, Legendary Marketer is a robust online education platform focusing on affiliate and digital marketing. With a variety of courses and the expertise of David Sharpe, it aims to empower individuals to build successful online businesses.

Is Legendary Marketer a Scam?

Legitimacy and Scrutiny

Many people wonder if Legendary Marketer is a scam. It’s a fair question given the skepticism around online marketing programs. However, based on extensive research and customer feedback, it seems that Legendary Marketer is a legitimate platform offering real value.

David Sharpe, the founder, has a history in the industry, and while his previous venture, Empower Network, faced scrutiny, he left before any allegations arose. This background makes some people cautious, but it doesn’t necessarily mean Legendary Marketer is a scam.

Better Business Bureau (BBB) and Customer Complaints

One way to gauge the legitimacy of a company is through the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Legendary Marketer has had some complaints on the BBB website. Most of these complaints were resolved, with refunds issued to the dissatisfied customers. However, there was one unresolved complaint with no response from the company.

customer complaints - legendary marketer scam

Complaints often arise from misunderstandings or unmet expectations, not necessarily fraudulent activity. The fact that most complaints were resolved shows a level of responsibility on the part of Legendary Marketer.

Upsells and High-Ticket Items

A common concern is the upselling within the Legendary Marketer system. The 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge is an affordable entry point, but it often leads to pitches for higher-ticket items. These can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

upsells - legendary marketer scam

Some users feel pressured by these sales tactics, but it’s crucial to understand that these upsells are optional. They are designed to offer more advanced training for those who can afford it and wish to delve deeper.


While there are concerns and complaints, the general consensus is that Legendary Marketer is not a scam. It offers valuable training and a supportive community. However, potential users should be prepared for upsells and ensure they are financially ready for the investment.

Key Features of Legendary Marketer

15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge

Cost: $7

The 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge is the gateway product for Legendary Marketer. It’s a series of videos, questionnaires, quizzes, and supplementary content that guides you through the basics and some advanced techniques for building a successful online business.

Key Highlights:
– Access to a business coach
– Topics include affiliate marketing, sales funnels, and more
– Requires a Zoom meeting with your coach to progress past Day 3

This challenge is a low-risk entry point to explore what Legendary Marketer has to offer.

Legendary Marketers Club

Cost: $30 per month

Often dubbed the “Netflix of marketing,” the Legendary Marketers Club is a monthly subscription program offering video mini-courses to help grow and scale your online business.

– Weekly live classes with Q&A sessions
– Access to around 7 mini-courses, each with 4 to 21 videos
– Approximately 30 hours of content on various marketing topics

This subscription is perfect for those looking to continually upgrade their marketing skills.

The Insiders Guide to Affiliate Marketing

Cost: $1.99

Written by David Sharpe, this eBook is a comprehensive guide to affiliate marketing.

Main Sections:
1. The foundations of success
2. Affiliate domination formula
3. The foundation of longevity

Topics Covered:
– Finding your niche
– Choosing products to promote
– Traffic and evergreen traffic
– Sales, analytics, and KPI’s
– Viral marketing campaigns

At just $1.99, this guide is a no-brainer for anyone interested in affiliate marketing.

The Omni Branding Formula

Cost: $47–$149

The Omni Branding Formula aims to teach you how to manage your presence on multiple social media platforms without experiencing burnout.

Key Features:
– Focus on organic traffic generation
– Strategies tested by David Sharpe himself
– Claim to create 7 days’ worth of content in one hour per week

This program is ideal for those looking to expand their social media reach without relying solely on paid ads.

Attraction Code

Cost: $27–$38

The Attraction Code course focuses on mindset and positioning yourself as an authority in your online business industry.

Key Focus:
– Understanding the dynamics of positioning
– Building authority in your niche

This course is designed to help you build a strong personal brand and attract your ideal audience.

15 Second Free Leads

Cost: $1

15 Second Free Leads is a course on generating free leads from TikTok. David Sharpe and other successful TikTok entrepreneurs show you how to generate high-value content ideas, set up a profile, and create engaging content.

Key Benefits:
– Step-by-step guide to using TikTok for lead generation
– Proven methods for creating viral content

This course is a game-changer for those looking to tap into TikTok’s massive audience.

Traffic University

Cost: Varies

Traffic University offers advanced training in driving traffic to your offers. This program covers multiple traffic sources, both paid and organic.

Topics Include:
– Advanced SEO techniques
– Paid advertising strategies
– Social media traffic

This program is suitable for those who want to master the art of driving traffic to their online business.

Pros and Cons of Legendary Marketer

Affordable Entry-Level Products

Legendary Marketer offers affordable entry-level products that are perfect for beginners. For instance, the 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge costs only $7. This low price point makes it accessible for those just starting out in digital marketing.

Additionally, the Insider’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing is available for just $1.99. These low-cost options allow newcomers to dip their toes into online marketing without a significant financial commitment.

High-Ticket Upsells

One of the main criticisms of Legendary Marketer is its high-ticket upsells. While the entry-level products are affordable, many advanced courses and programs come with hefty price tags. Some programs can cost thousands of dollars, which may be a barrier for those with limited budgets.

Example: The Traffic Blueprint is priced at $1,500, making it a significant investment. This high cost can lead to skepticism about whether the value justifies the price.

Pushy Business Consultants

Some users have reported that the business consultants at Legendary Marketer can be quite pushy. According to complaints on the BBB website, there have been instances where salespeople made false claims to persuade individuals to make large purchases. This aggressive sales approach can be off-putting and may lead to regretful decisions.

Comprehensive Training

Despite the high-ticket upsells, Legendary Marketer does offer comprehensive training. The programs cover a wide range of topics, from basic marketing principles to advanced strategies for driving traffic and increasing conversions.

Quote: “David Sharpe’s courses and coaching are packed with valuable information that can genuinely help you build a business,” says a review on LinkedIn.

User-Friendly Pricing

Legendary Marketer’s pricing structure is designed to be user-friendly. For example, the Legendary Marketers Club costs $30 per month. This subscription model allows users to access a wealth of information and training without a massive upfront cost. You can even cancel after a few months if you feel you’ve learned enough.

Tip: If you’re confident after three months, you can cancel your subscription. This way, you gain substantial marketing knowledge for just $97.

These pros and cons give a balanced view of what Legendary Marketer offers. Next, we will discuss who this program is best suited for.

Who is Legendary Marketer For?

Legendary Marketer is designed for a broad audience, but it shines especially for certain groups. Let’s break it down:


If you’re just starting in online business, Legendary Marketer can be a great fit. The 15-day Online Business Builder Challenge is tailored for beginners. It covers the basics of affiliate marketing and digital marketing in a way that’s easy to understand. One user mentioned, “I was a complete beginner but now I feel like I have enough information to start making some money.”

Intermediate Marketers

For those who already have some experience, Legendary Marketer offers advanced courses and blueprints. These are more in-depth and cover topics like high-ticket affiliate marketing, sales funnels, and paid advertising. The program provides a step-by-step approach to scaling your business, making it ideal for intermediate marketers looking to up their game.

Online Business Enthusiasts

Whether you’re interested in e-commerce, consulting, or any other online business model, Legendary Marketer has something to offer. The program covers various profitable online business opportunities beyond just affiliate marketing. Their range of products and coaching sessions can help you find the right path for your online business goals.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a significant focus of Legendary Marketer. They teach you how to promote high-ticket products and provide tools like sales funnels and autoresponders. This makes it a viable option for those looking to make a substantial income through affiliate marketing.

Digital Marketing

If you’re looking to master digital marketing, Legendary Marketer offers a comprehensive education. From social media strategies to paid advertising, the program covers all the essential aspects. David Sharpe, the founder, brings over a decade of experience and has been involved in generating over $200 million in sales. His expertise is reflected in the quality of the training.

Frequently Asked Questions about Legendary Marketer

Is the Legendary Marketer 15-Day Challenge worth it?

The 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge is often highlighted as a valuable entry point. It costs just a few dollars and provides a solid foundation for anyone new to online business.

Many users, including those who were initially skeptical, have reported positive experiences. They found the challenge to be informative and actionable, helping them understand the basics of affiliate marketing and online business.

For instance, one user on Quora mentioned, “I was a complete beginner but now I feel like I have enough information to start making some money.”

The challenge also includes one-on-one coaching sessions, which many users found beneficial for personalized guidance.

What’s going on with Legendary Marketer?

Legendary Marketer has been under scrutiny, mainly due to its past affiliations and the high-ticket upsells. However, it’s important to differentiate between skepticism and facts.

David Sharpe, the founder, has a controversial past but has since distanced himself from previous business ventures. He has focused on building a reputable educational platform with Legendary Marketer.

The program consistently updates its content and offers various products, from the 15-Day Challenge to high-ticket items like the Affiliate Marketing Business Blueprint.

Customer reviews are generally positive, with many praising the quality of the training materials and the supportive community. For example, a detailed LinkedIn review noted the comprehensive nature of the courses and the value they provide.

Is the Legendary Marketer legit?

Yes, Legendary Marketer is legit. It offers high-quality training materials, one-on-one coaching, and live events focused on online business and affiliate marketing.

David Sharpe is a credible figure in the online marketing world, having generated over $200 million in sales. Despite past controversies, he has built a transparent and valuable educational platform.

The program is not a pyramid scheme. It provides real educational content and does not solely rely on enrolling new members for revenue. Many users have reported genuine success after applying the strategies learned through Legendary Marketer.

For more detailed insights, you can refer to this LinkedIn article that delves into various aspects of the program, including customer experiences and the legitimacy of the business model.

Next, we’ll explore the pros and cons of Legendary Marketer to help you make a well-informed decision.


When diving into affiliate marketing, it’s crucial to verify the legitimacy of any program you’re considering. This is especially true for programs like Legendary Marketer, which has garnered both praise and skepticism.

Affiliate Retirement is dedicated to providing you with the best guidance on your affiliate marketing journey. Our goal is to help you make well-informed decisions that align with your financial goals and personal circumstances.

Final Thoughts:

Legendary Marketer is not a scam, but it does come with its own set of pros and cons. The program offers comprehensive training and valuable tools for those serious about online marketing. However, be cautious of the upsells and ensure you are financially prepared before making any significant investments.

Importance of Research:

Before committing to any program, thorough research is essential. Look for unbiased reviews, customer testimonials, and detailed analyses. For instance, the LinkedIn article provides an in-depth look at various aspects of Legendary Marketer, including customer experiences and the legitimacy of the business model.

Making Informed Decisions:

Your financial well-being is paramount. Never rush into purchasing high-ticket items without understanding the full scope of what you’re getting into. Always weigh the potential benefits against the costs and risks involved.

For more comprehensive guidance and support in your affiliate marketing journey, visit Affiliate Retirement. We’re here to help you succeed every step of the way.

Stay dedicated, keep learning, and make informed decisions. Your hard work will pay off. Happy marketing!