Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Affiliate Programs

Legendary Marketer Reviews You Can’t Ignore!

A Deep Dive into Legendary Marketer Reviews You Can’t Ignore!

Legendary Marketer Reviews You Can’t Ignore! are flooding the internet. If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur seeking a low-cost way to generate passive income online, this is the right place. Let’s quickly address the question: is Legendary Marketer worth your time and money?

Here’s a quick takeaway:

Freedom Ascension How ANYONE Can Launch The #1 Beginner Friendly Fully Automated Online Business From Home
  • Value-packed training on affiliate marketing
  • Not a pyramid scheme; it promotes various products
  • Affordable introductory courses starting at $1
  • Multiple upsell opportunities but standard in the industry
  • Active and supportive community

So, what exactly is Legendary Marketer, and why is it generating so much buzz? The purpose of this comprehensive review is to give you the information you need to decide if this program aligns with your goals. From beginner-friendly courses to high-ticket training, we’ll uncover the ins and outs of David Sharpe’s creation and why it might be the next stepping stone in your affiliate marketing journey.

Summary of Legendary Marketer Features and Benefits - Legendary Marketer Reviews You Can't Ignore! infographic brainstorm-4-items

What is Legendary Marketer?

Legendary Marketer is an online education platform designed to help aspiring digital entrepreneurs build successful online businesses. Founded by David Sharpe, the platform offers a range of training programs focused primarily on digital marketing and affiliate marketing.

Who is David Sharpe?

David Sharpe is a well-known figure in the digital marketing world. With over 10 years of experience, Sharpe has generated more than $200 million in sales throughout his career. His journey is inspiring; he overcame a troubled past, including addiction, to become a successful entrepreneur. Sharpe’s story is a testament to the transformative power of determination and education, making him a relatable and credible mentor for many.

Training Platform

Legendary Marketer provides various educational resources to help you build and grow an online business. These include:

  • Digital Courses: Comprehensive lessons covering various aspects of digital marketing.
  • eBooks: Detailed guides on specific topics like affiliate marketing.
  • One-on-One Coaching: Personalized advice from experienced coaches.
  • Support Groups: Community forums where members can share experiences and tips.
  • Live Networking Events: Opportunities to meet and learn from six- and seven-figure entrepreneurs.

One of Legendary Marketer’s standout features is its 5-Day Business Builder Challenge. This flagship course is designed to take you from a beginner to someone who understands the basics of starting an online business. Priced at just $7, it offers a low-risk entry point for those new to digital marketing.

Digital Marketing Focus

While Legendary Marketer covers a broad range of online business topics, it strongly focuses on affiliate marketing. The platform teaches you how to promote products and earn commissions, leveraging tools like ClickFunnels and various social media platforms.

In addition to affiliate marketing, Legendary Marketer also offers training on:

  • Copywriting: Crafting compelling messages that drive sales.
  • Email Marketing: Building and nurturing an email list for sustained business growth.
  • Sales Funnels: Creating automated systems to convert leads into customers.

Community and Support

One of the most valuable aspects of Legendary Marketer is its community. Members have access to support groups and can interact with like-minded individuals who are also on their entrepreneurial journey. This sense of community can be incredibly motivating and provides a support system to help you navigate the challenges of building an online business.

For those concerned about the program’s legitimacy, it’s important to note that Legendary Marketer is not a scam. The platform offers valuable training and resources, but like any educational program, your success depends on your effort.

In the next section, we’ll explore the Legendary Marketer Reviews You Can’t Ignore! and what real users have to say about their experiences with the platform.

Legendary Marketer Reviews You Can’t Ignore!

Reviews of Legendary Marketer are mixed. Some users rave about the platform, while others have had less-than-stellar experiences. Let’s break down the common themes from both positive and negative reviews to give you a balanced perspective.

Positive Reviews

Many users praise Legendary Marketer for its comprehensive and high-quality training materials. For instance, Bonnie K., a newbie to affiliate marketing, couldn’t contain her excitement:

“Legendary Marketer was EXACTLY what I needed to learn all the skills in digital marketing! My advisor was great. This $7 course taught me sooo much!!”

Bonnie’s experience highlights the value of the 5-Day Business Builder Challenge, which many find a solid introduction to digital marketing.

Another user, Ally S., appreciated the long-term support:

“I invested in additional training to get access to their Marketing team 5 days a week for life – YES, FOR LIFE!”

The platform’s commitment to ongoing support is a significant plus for those serious about making it in the online business world.

Negative Reviews

On the flip side, there are users like Diana M. who felt let down:

“This company is set up as a pyramid scheme in disguise. I requested a refund 4 times. They ignore every single email.”

Diana’s experience points to concerns about the refund policy and the effectiveness of the affiliate program. Another user, Shell F., felt similarly:

“Total scam, promoting a how to for $7, -nothing learned there THEN $2500 for the blueprint and still nothing.”

These negative reviews often focus on the high-pressure sales tactics and the perceived lack of value in the more expensive programs.

Common Themes

Customer Support

One recurring theme in both positive and negative reviews is the quality of customer support. While some users find the support excellent, others feel ignored, especially when it comes to refunds.

Value for Money

The 5-Day Business Builder Challenge is generally well-received, but opinions diverge regarding higher-priced products like the $2500 Blueprints. Some find them invaluable, while others see them as overpriced.

Affiliate Program

The affiliate program also gets mixed reviews. Some affiliates thrive, while others, like Diana M., struggle due to policies like the “last touch cookie policy.”

Final Thoughts

The reviews for Legendary Marketer are a mixed bag, but they offer valuable insights into what you can expect. Whether it’s the high-quality training or the concerns about refund policies, these Legendary Marketer Reviews You Can’t Ignore! Provide a balanced view to help you make an informed decision.

The next section will explore Legendary Marketer’s essential features, including the popular 5-Day Business Builder Challenge and other valuable resources.

Key Features of Legendary Marketer

Legendary Marketer offers a variety of products and programs designed to help you build and scale your online business. Here are some of the standout features:

15-Day Business Builder Challenge

For just $7, the 5-Day Business Builder Challenge is Legendary Marketer’s gateway product. It includes videos, questionnaires, quizzes, and supplementary content. The challenge covers everything from the basics to advanced techniques for building a successful online business. You’ll also get access to a business coach who will guide you through the process. This program covers affiliate marketing, building sales funnels, and more.

business challenge - Legendary Marketer Reviews You Can't Ignore!

Insider’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing

The Insider’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing is an eBook by David Sharpe priced at $1.99. It provides a comprehensive guide to affiliate marketing, breaking down the foundations of success, the affiliate domination formula, and the foundation of longevity. Topics include finding your niche, choosing promotional products, and understanding analytics and KPIs.

Copywriter’s Playbook

For only $1, the Copywriter’s Playbook could be the most valuable course in Legendary’s catalog. It’s a step-by-step guide to becoming a pro-level copywriter. The course includes an eBook, a collection of notes, and various bonuses like headline swipe files and high-value templates. If you want to improve your copywriting skills or even start freelancing, this course is a steal.

15-Second Free Leads

At just $1, the 15 Second Free Leads course is a game-changer for generating free leads from TikTok. David Sharpe and other successful TikTok entrepreneurs show you how to create high-value content, set up your profile, and engage your audience effectively. The course is perfect for those looking to tap into TikTok’s massive audience without spending on paid ads.

High-Ticket Items

Legendary Marketer also offers high-ticket items that range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. These include advanced training programs and masterminds designed for those who want to take their online business to the next level. These high-ticket items often come with more personalized coaching and in-depth training.


In the next section, we’ll discuss whether Legendary Marketer is a scam and address some common concerns.

Is Legendary Marketer a Scam?

When discussing “Legendary Marketer Reviews You Can’t Ignore!” it’s crucial to address whether Legendary Marketer is a scam. This question often arises due to the high price tags and the upsell tactics used in their programs. Let’s break down the concerns.

Pyramid Scheme Concerns

One of the main worries is whether Legendary Marketer operates as a pyramid scheme. A pyramid scheme relies on recruiting members who pay to join, with profits primarily coming from new recruits rather than the sale of actual products or services.

Legendary Marketer is not a pyramid scheme. According to the definition, it focuses on selling digital marketing training and tools. Affiliates earn commissions from sales through their referral links, not recruiting others into the program. This is similar to any standard affiliate marketing setup.


David Sharpe, the founder of Legendary Marketer, has a history with MLM businesses, which raises eyebrows. However, Sharpe has stated that he has moved on from MLM models and is focused on providing valuable marketing education.

Customer reviews are mixed; some praise the program for its comprehensive training and supportive community, while others criticize its high costs and aggressive upselling tactics. For example, Bonnie K. gave a 5-star review, stating that the $7 course taught her a lot and that the company over-delivered on its promises. On the other hand, Diana M. rated it 1 star, calling it a pyramid scheme in disguise and criticizing their “last touch cookie policy.”

Refund Policy

The refund policy at Legendary Marketer has also been a point of contention. The initial purchase has a 30-day refund period, which is standard. However, the refund period shrinks to three days for subsequent purchases. This short “cooling-off period” can be problematic, especially for high-ticket items costing thousands of dollars.

Upsell Tactics

Upselling is common in many businesses, but it can feel pushy to some customers. Legendary Marketer is known for its upsell tactics. The 15-Day Business Builder Challenge, which costs $7, is an entry point into their sales funnel. After this, customers are often pitched more expensive products like the $2,500 Blueprints.

Some users, like Shell F., have expressed frustration, feeling pressured to buy more expensive courses without adequate time to consider their options. This has led to complaints about the aggressive nature of their sales tactics.

In the next section, we’ll look at the pros and cons of Legendary Marketer to help you decide if it’s the right fit for you.

Pros and Cons of Legendary Marketer

When considering Legendary Marketer, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons to see if it aligns with your needs and goals.


Affordable Entry-Level Products

One of the standout features of Legendary Marketer is its affordable entry-level products. For instance, the Insider’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing eBook is priced at just $1.99. This makes it accessible for beginners who are just starting and don’t want to make a significant financial commitment upfront.

High-Value Training

Despite the low cost of entry-level products, the training provided is valuable. The 5-Day Business Builder Challenge costs only $7 and offers a comprehensive introduction to building a successful online business. As one user mentioned, “David personally teaches you core business concepts,” which can be incredibly beneficial for beginners.


Pushy Upsells

While the entry-level products are affordable, they serve as an entry point into Legendary Marketer’s sales funnel. Customers often face aggressive upsells for higher-ticket items. For example, after purchasing the $1.99 eBook, you might be pitched products costing thousands of dollars. This has led to complaints about the pushy nature of their sales tactics. One user said, “David gives you a $100 book for $2 to get you into the ecosystem.”

Restrictive Blocked Countries List

Another downside is the restrictive list of blocked countries. If you’re an affiliate, this can be particularly frustrating. Imagine someone from a blocked country clicking your link, trying to sign up, and then finding out they can’t. This can hurt your sales and reputation. The list of blocked countries is pretty long, which limits your potential reach.

In the next section, we’ll answer frequently asked questions about Legendary Marketer.

Frequently Asked Questions about Legendary Marketer

Is Legendary Marketer a scheme?

No, Legendary Marketer is not a pyramid scheme. A pyramid scheme makes money solely by recruiting new members, who then recruit more members. Legendary Marketer, on the other hand, offers real products and services like high-quality training materials, one-on-one coaching, and live events. These are designed to help you build an online business.

David Sharpe, the founder, has distanced himself from his past business, Empower Network, which had ethical issues. Legendary Marketer has a solid reputation for delivering valuable training and support.

What is going on with Legendary Marketer?

Scrutiny and Concerns:

Some people are skeptical about Legendary Marketer due to the high cost of some of their products and the aggressive sales tactics reported by a few users. Concerns include:

  • Deceptive advertisements: Some users have complained about exaggerated claims made in ads.
  • Customer complaints: Pushy sales tactics have been reported, where business coaches allegedly pressured customers to make large purchases.

Most complaints are resolved despite these issues, and many users report positive experiences.

Is the Legendary Marketer 5-Day Challenge worth it?

Especially for beginners.

The 5-Day Business Builder Challenge is priced at just $7, making it an affordable entry point. Here’s what you get:

  • High-quality training: The challenge provides a comprehensive overview of starting an online business. It covers everything from creating a business plan to executing marketing strategies.
  • Beginner-friendly: The training is designed for beginners, so you don’t need prior experience to benefit from it.
  • Actionable insights: You’ll learn practical skills that you can implement immediately.

Many users have found the challenge a valuable introduction to online business, making it a low-risk investment for those curious about digital marketing.

Next, we’ll delve into the pros and cons of Legendary Marketer.


As we’ve explored, Legendary Marketer offers a comprehensive training program suite to help individuals succeed in digital marketing. With its focus on affiliate marketing, it provides a structured path for beginners and experienced marketers alike.

Affiliate Retirement

At Affiliate Retirement, we emphasize the importance of making informed decisions. It’s crucial to understand both the potential benefits and the risks associated with any online business venture.

Final Thoughts

Legendary Marketer has garnered mixed reviews. While many praise its detailed training and supportive community, others have raised concerns about its upsell tactics and refund policies.

Positive Reviews:
– Users appreciate the 5-Day Business Builder Challenge for its actionable insights.
– The Insider’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing and Copywriter’s Playbook are highly rated for their depth and quality.

Negative Reviews:
– Some customers feel misled by the aggressive upsell strategies.
– The last touch cookie policy has caused frustration among affiliates, as seen in customer complaints.


Considering both the pros and cons, we recommend thoroughly researching and evaluating your financial situation before committing to any high-ticket items. Start with their entry-level products to gauge their value and effectiveness.

Key Takeaways:
Start small: Begin with lower-cost products to see if the training meets your needs.
Stay informed: Keep an eye on customer reviews and feedback.
Evaluate your budget: Only invest what you can afford to lose.

For more guidance on affiliate marketing and making informed decisions, visit our Affiliate Retirement page. We’re here to support you every step in your journey to financial freedom through high-ticket marketing.

Considering these insights and recommendations, you can make a well-informed decision about whether Legendary Marketer aligns with your goals and resources. Happy marketing!