Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Retirement Business Ideas

7 Proven Ways to Find Profitable Business Ideas for Retirees


Are you a retiree looking for exciting and profitable business ideas for retirees? You’ve come to the right place. Retirement can offer the perfect opportunity to achieve financial independence while enjoying flexible work hours and pursuing your passions. Whether you’re concerned about income or just want to stay active and engaged, there are plenty of options.

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Here are 7 proven ways to find profitable business ideas for retirees:
1. Turn a Hobby Into a Business
2. Utilize Your Assets
3. Start a Freelance Business
4. Become a Mentor or Consultant
5. Start an Online Shop
6. Offer Local Services
7. Explore Digital Opportunities

Many retirees have already turned their passions into successful businesses. For example, David Sperstad opened a bicycle shop after retiring because of his love for cycling. Similarly, you can utilize your existing skills or assets to create a new income stream without the grind of a traditional job.

With the rise of the “Longevity Economy,” opportunities abound for those over 50 to start businesses that cater to their peers. From consulting to freelancing and even starting a bed and breakfast, the options are plentiful and varied.

7 Proven Ways to Find Profitable Business Ideas for Retirees - business ideas for retirees infographic process-5-steps-informal

Turn a Hobby Into a Business

Retirement is the perfect time to turn passion projects into profitable ventures. If you love what you do, it won’t feel like work. This approach can keep you busy and bring in extra income. Let’s explore how you can turn your hobbies into a successful side hustle.


Bicycle Shop

Take David Sperstad, for example. After retiring, he opened Touright Bicycle in Little Falls, Minnesota. He had always loved cycling, so running a bike shop felt natural. “I love to cycle. So it doesn’t feel like I’m selling anything,” he says. David’s story shows that starting a business based on your passion can be fulfilling and fun.


Woodworking is another hobby that can become a lucrative business. Many retirees find joy in creating furniture, toys, or even custom chess boards. By combining your love for woodworking with another interest, you can create unique products that stand out in the market. Plus, selling online through platforms like Etsy can help you reach a broader audience.

Jewelry Making

Jewelry making is a creative and rewarding hobby that can easily be turned into a business. Whether you specialize in beaded necklaces, silver rings, or custom bracelets, there’s always a market for unique, handmade jewelry. You can start small, selling to friends and family, and gradually expand by setting up an online store.

Getting Started

To turn your hobby into a business, you need a formal business plan. This plan will help you outline your goals, identify your target market, and determine the logistics. Here are some steps to get you started:

  1. Identify Your Goals: Decide if you want a small side hustle or a full-time business.
  2. Market Research: Understand your potential customers and competitors.
  3. Business Plan: Outline your strategy, including marketing, sales, and financial projections.
  4. Legalities: Register your business and obtain any necessary licenses.
  5. Marketing: Use social media, local markets, and online platforms to promote your products.

By following these steps, you can turn your favorite hobby into a profitable business, making your retirement years both enjoyable and productive.

Bicycle Shop - business ideas for retirees

Next, let’s look at how you can utilize your assets to start a business with minimal startup costs.

Utilize Your Assets

Starting a business in retirement doesn’t have to be expensive. By utilizing your assets, you can keep startup costs low and make the most of what you already own.

Low Startup Costs

Many retirees have valuable assets that can be used to generate income. This approach minimizes risk and maximizes returns.

Sharing Economy

The sharing economy offers plenty of opportunities for retirees to leverage their existing resources. You can rent out your home, car, or even equipment you no longer use. This is a great way to create a steady income stream without significant upfront investment.



If you have extra space in your home, consider listing it on Airbnb. Many retirees have found success by renting out a spare room or even their entire home when they travel. It’s a flexible way to earn extra income and meet interesting people from around the world. For example, Lynn Brooks started a volunteer organization in New York City, showing visitors around and renting out her space to travelers.


Got a car that’s just sitting in your garage? You can rent it out on Turo, a platform similar to Airbnb but for vehicles. This is an easy way to make money from an asset you already own.

Renting Equipment

Do you have tools, gardening equipment, or other items that you don’t use all the time? Renting them out can be a profitable venture. Many people are looking to rent rather than buy, especially for items they only need occasionally.

By tapping into these opportunities, you can turn your retirement assets into a reliable income source. This approach not only keeps costs low but also makes the most of what you already have.

Next, let’s explore how you can start a freelance business with the skills and experience you’ve gained over the years.

Start a Freelance Business

Freelancing offers retirees the perfect blend of flexibility and income. You can work from home, set your own hours, and take on projects that interest you. Plus, it’s a great way to use the skills and experience you’ve built over your career.


Online Platforms: There are numerous platforms where you can offer your freelance services. Websites like Upwork connect freelancers with clients looking for specific skills. Whether you’re good at writing, graphic design, or programming, there’s a demand for your expertise.

Virtual Assistant: Many small business owners and entrepreneurs need help with administrative tasks. As a virtual assistant, you can manage emails, schedule appointments, and handle customer service, all from the comfort of your home. The average pay for virtual assistants ranges from $15 to $30 per hour, depending on the complexity of the tasks.

Graphic Design: If you have a knack for design, this could be a lucrative option. Graphic designers are needed for creating logos, marketing materials, and websites. Tools like Adobe Creative Suite make it easier than ever to produce professional-quality work. According to Upwork, graphic designers can earn anywhere from $25 to $150 per hour, based on their experience and the scope of the project.

Freelance Writing: Another popular option is freelance writing. Websites, blogs, and online magazines are always looking for content. If you have a way with words, you can write articles, ebooks, or even social media posts. Freelance writers typically earn between $20 and $100 per hour, depending on their expertise and the type of writing.

Consulting: If you have specialized knowledge in a particular field, consider becoming a consultant. You can offer your insights and advice to businesses looking to improve. For example, retired teachers can offer educational consulting, helping schools develop better curriculums. Consultants often charge high hourly rates, sometimes exceeding $200 per hour.

Photography: If you enjoy taking photos, this hobby can turn into a profitable freelance business. From event photography to stock photos, there’s a market for high-quality images. You can sell your photos on platforms like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock.

Freelancing is a versatile way to make money in retirement. It allows you to stay active, keep your mind sharp, and earn an income without the constraints of a traditional job.

Next, we’ll discuss how you can become a mentor or consultant, sharing your valuable experience with others.

Become a Mentor or Consultant


Retirement doesn’t mean you have to stop working altogether. Many retirees find a new sense of purpose by becoming a mentor or consultant. This way, you can share your valuable experience and help others succeed.

Experience Sharing

From your years of expertise can be incredibly rewarding. Chris and Susan Beesley, former management consultants, started a mentoring business after retirement. They created a website offering educational resources and mentoring programs. This allowed them to continue making an impact in their field while enjoying their retirement.


Becoming a mentor is a great way to give back. Whether you have experience in business, finance, or life coaching, there’s always someone who can benefit from your guidance. Identify your niche and research potential mentees to understand their biggest challenges. Then, formulate ways to help them overcome these issues. Offering a taste of what you provide, like free educational videos, can attract more participants.


Consulting allows you to leverage your industry-specific knowledge. For example, Marcia Duhart, a retired computer trainer from Merrill Lynch, started CyberSenior Services to teach elderly people essential tech skills. This filled a gap in the market and allowed her to continue using her skills.

Business Coaching

If you have a background in business growth or management, consider becoming a business coach. You can help startups and small businesses navigate challenges and grow. This is not only fulfilling but can also be quite lucrative.

Life Coaching

Life coaching is another avenue where retirees can make a significant impact. Helping people achieve their personal and professional goals can be incredibly rewarding. Plus, it allows you to work one-on-one with clients, offering personalized advice and support.

Industry-Specific Consulting

Certain niches are particularly well-suited for consulting. For instance, management, marketing, HR, and IT are fields where your expertise can be highly valuable. Research your target market and competitors to ensure there’s a demand for your services.

Becoming a mentor or consultant can be a fulfilling and profitable way to spend your retirement years. It allows you to share your knowledge, help others, and stay active in your field.

Next, we’ll explore how to start an online shop, turning your creative ideas into a thriving business.

Start an Online Shop

Starting an online shop is a fantastic way for retirees to turn their creative ideas into a thriving business. With the rise of e-commerce, it’s easier than ever to sell handmade goods or other products online. Here are some key points to consider:

E-commerce Platforms

Etsy and Shopify are popular platforms for setting up an online shop.

  • Etsy is perfect for selling handmade, vintage, and craft supplies. It’s user-friendly and comes with a built-in audience of craft lovers. For example, Trisha Trout turned her weekend hobby of making soap into a profitable business on Etsy after she retired. She now enjoys financial independence and the satisfaction of supporting herself.

  • Shopify offers more flexibility and scalability. It’s ideal if you plan to grow your business and need more control over your store’s design and functionality. Bernie Rothrock, a retired teacher, successfully launched his alpaca sock business, Maximus & Penelope, on Shopify. His story highlights how even retirees with no prior business experience can thrive with the right platform.


If you don’t want to handle inventory, consider dropshipping. This model allows you to sell products without holding stock. You create a website, choose products, and when a customer orders, the supplier ships directly to them.

Sonja Detrinidad, a former mortgage professional, turned her plant hobby into a successful dropshipping business. She sources plants and sells them online, bridging the gap between greenhouses and plant parents.

Steps to Get Started

  1. Choose a Niche: Focus on what you love or have experience in. Whether it’s handmade jewelry, vintage items, or specialty goods, a niche helps you stand out.

  2. Set Up Your Shop: Use platforms like Etsy or Shopify. They offer templates and tools to make setting up easy.

  3. Market Your Products: Utilize social media, email newsletters, and SEO to reach your target audience. Share your story and the meaning behind your products to connect with customers.

  4. Manage Orders and Customer Service: Keep track of orders and maintain good customer relations. Happy customers are repeat customers.

Starting an online shop can be a rewarding way to monetize your hobbies and stay engaged. Plus, it offers the flexibility to work from home and set your own hours.

Next, we’ll dive into how offering local services can keep you active and connected in your community.

Offer Local Services

Offering local services is a fantastic way for retirees to stay active and engaged in their communities. It allows you to use your practical skills while providing valuable services to those around you. Here are some examples to consider:


If you’re good with tools and enjoy fixing things, becoming a handyperson can be an excellent business idea. Handypeople earn around $19 per hour on average. You can start small, offering your services to friends and neighbors, and gradually expand by creating local listings on free sites, pinning your business card on notice boards, and spreading the word through word of mouth.

“Handypeople, on average, earn around $19 per hour,” notes a useful .

Senior Concierge

A senior concierge service can help older adults with tasks they find challenging, such as grocery shopping, running errands, or even just providing companionship. This service is highly rewarding as it helps improve the quality of life for other seniors.

“A lot of people don’t live near extended family, so they’re looking to hire people who fill the grandma, grandpa or aunt role,” explains a .

Pet Sitting

If you love animals, pet sitting could be the perfect side hustle. Many pet owners need reliable individuals to take care of their pets when they are away. You can offer services like dog walking, feeding, and overnight care.

“Dog walking or taking care of pets while people are away… they all provide something that is needed,” says another source.

Offering local services not only keeps you active but also allows you to form meaningful connections within your community. Whether you choose to be a handyperson, senior concierge, or pet sitter, these service-based businesses can be both fulfilling and profitable.

Next, we’ll explore digital opportunities that can bring in income while allowing you to work remotely.

Explore Digital Opportunities

The digital world offers retirees numerous ways to earn income while enjoying the flexibility of working from home. Whether it’s through online income, digital marketing, or remote work, the possibilities are endless.


Blogging allows you to share your experiences and expertise with a global audience. Many retirees have turned their hobbies or professional backgrounds into successful blogs. For example, you could start a travel blog, a cooking blog, or even a blog about gardening. The key is to focus on a niche you are passionate about.

“From your favorite hobbies to your unique lifestyle, even your vocational experience, there is no shortage of topics that people are willing to pay for advice on,” says Lori Reeves, a success coach.

Online Courses

If you have specialized knowledge, consider creating and selling online courses. Platforms like make it easy to turn your expertise into a profitable business. Whether it’s teaching cooking classes, providing financial advice, or offering fitness training, you can reach a wide audience without leaving your home.

Chiara Nicolanti found a way to keep her grandmother busy during the COVID-19 pandemic by taking her in-person cooking classes online. This venture, known as Nonna Live, became a thriving business and employed other retired women in her village.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing involves promoting products or services online. If you have a knack for social media, blogging, or email marketing, you could offer these services to small businesses. Many companies are willing to pay for expertise in this area, especially if you can show proven results.

Remote Work

Remote work offers the flexibility to work from anywhere. There are numerous platforms like Upwork where you can find freelance opportunities in various fields such as writing, graphic design, and virtual assistance. This type of work allows you to set your own hours and work at your own pace.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves promoting products and earning a commission for each sale made through your referral link. This can be a lucrative way to make money online, especially if you have a blog or a strong social media presence. is an excellent resource for retirees looking to delve into affiliate marketing. They offer guidance on how to get started and succeed in this field.

Case Study: Bernie Rothrock

Bernie Rothrock, a retired teacher, successfully transitioned into the digital world by selling alpaca socks online. Initially, Bernie bought $1,000 worth of socks and launched them on his own website. The response was overwhelming, and his Shopify store, Maximus & Penelope, became a thriving business. This venture provided Bernie and his wife extra money to travel and enjoy a peaceful retirement.

Final Thoughts

Digital opportunities are vast and varied. Whether it’s through blogging, online courses, digital marketing, remote work, or affiliate marketing, retirees can find fulfilling and profitable ways to stay active and engaged.

Next, we’ll tackle some frequently asked questions about business ideas for retirees.

Frequently Asked Questions about Business Ideas for Retirees

What business is good after retirement?

Retirement is an excellent time to explore business ideas for retirees that align with your passions and skills. Many retirees find success in businesses that leverage their years of experience. For example, consulting or mentorship roles can be very rewarding.

Consulting: Use your industry knowledge to guide new businesses. A retired engineer might consult for startups, or a former teacher could offer educational consultancy.

Freelancing: Online platforms like Upwork make it easy to offer services such as writing, graphic design, or virtual assistance.

Local Services: If you enjoy community engagement, consider offering practical services like handyman work, senior concierge, or pet sitting.

What is the best side hustle for retirees?

The best side hustle depends on your interests and how much time you want to invest. Here are a few popular options:

Flexible Jobs: Part-time roles like customer representative positions can be fulfilling and don’t require a long-term commitment.

Bridal Services: If you have an eye for detail, consider offering bridal planning or coordination services. This can be a seasonal side hustle, perfect for those who love organizing events.

Candle Making: This hobby can easily turn into a profitable business. Sell your handmade candles at local markets or online platforms like Etsy.

Event Planning: Use your organizational skills to plan local events. From birthday parties to corporate gatherings, this can be a lucrative side hustle.

What is the best business for senior citizens?

Self-employment offers the flexibility and control that many retirees desire. Here are some ideas:

Small Business: Start a small business based on a hobby. For instance, if you love gardening, consider a plant leasing business. You can offer plants to local businesses and charge a monthly fee for maintenance.

Income Boost: If you need to supplement your retirement income, think about low-investment businesses. Selling handmade goods or offering courses online can provide a steady stream of income without requiring a significant upfront investment.

Customer Representative: Many companies hire remote customer service representatives. This job offers the flexibility to work from home and set your own hours.

Retirement doesn’t mean you have to stop working. With the right business idea, you can stay active, engaged, and financially secure.


Retirement is a new chapter, and it doesn’t mean you have to stop working. In fact, with the right business idea, you can stay active, engaged, and financially secure.

At, we believe that retirement should be about financial independence and enjoying what you love. Turning a hobby into a business, utilizing your assets, or starting a freelance gig can provide both fulfillment and a steady income stream.

Financial Independence: By exploring business ideas for retirees, you can create multiple revenue streams that support your lifestyle. Whether it’s consulting, selling handmade goods, or offering tutoring services, there’s a business idea out there that fits your skills and interests.

Retirement Planning: It’s crucial to plan carefully. Consider the potential financial obligations and risks. Use tools like the NewRetirement Planner to model different scenarios and ensure your long-term financial health. The adventure and fun of starting a retirement business can be worth the risk, even if you only break even. Our platform offers resources and guidance to help you navigate this exciting journey. From finding profitable business ideas to planning for financial success, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Feel those tingles on the back of your neck? That internal smirk turning into a full-blown smile? You’re ready to take on this new adventure and make the most of your retirement years.

Best of luck, and congratulations on your future successes! For more information and resources, visit